Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B5)

Gaussian function to 
ribution and examin- 
sampling distribution 
an the Gaussian dis- 
1oted by solid line in 
k and fatter tails, the 
igure 3) also deviates 
on. These departures 
from making statis- 
n distributions men- 
statistical inference 
o based sampling dis- 
tion. This statistical 
'omputation which is 
mphasized that such 
hich are problem de- 
nt design tool used to 
ivity prior to execut- 
veral reliability mea- 
random errors for the 
da, 1968). Although 
ability measures may 
e not been completed 
of such derivations, 
evaluate network re- 
liability is examined 
tected under any cir- 
external reliability is 
nonunique estimator 
ral reliability is to de- 
vation must be before 
sh examination of the 
ept is modified such 
rroneous observation 
ally or otherwise. To 
n under this scenario, 
1 conjunction with a 
igle observation is re- 
ts impact on blunder 
is presented in Fig- 
tions. After 100,000 
1g distribution of each 
ms in Figure 2. No- 
luctuate in height and 
uctuations is network 
0 m is identical for all 
i. The L2 norm resid- 
riences these fluctua- 
k geometry. However, 
| the trilateration net- 
simulations are com- 
tion changes substan- 
la 1996 
Figure 4: Residual Sampling Distribution for Figure 1 
0.8 0.8 0.8 
0.6 0.6 0.6 
1 2 3 
0.4 0.4 0.4 
0.2 0.2 Il 0.2 | 
Lise Ex zz o E Lir 
A 0 1 23 0 1 A 0 1 
0.8 0.8 0.8 
0.6 0.6 0.6 
4 5 6 
0.4 Ji 0.4 0.4 
0.2 | 0.2 0.2 
Ls étre elite 
g À 0 1 = Oo 1 = 0 1 
os 0.8 0.8 
5 0.6 0.6 0.6 
= 7 8 9 
50.4 0.4 0.4 
o2 nmn o2 0.2 
$ o d o | o 
x zZ 0 1 21 0 1 =1 0 1 
0.8 0.8 0.8 
0.6 0.6 0.6 
10 11 12 
0.4 0.4 0.4 
0.2 0.2 0.2 
x D cc ne ge o 
24 o 1 = o 1 e 0 1 
0.8 0.8 
0.6 0.6 
13 14 
0.4 0.4 
0.2 0.2 
i Dit o ! 
-1 o 1 
Residual Magnitude (meters) 
tially as shown in Figure 4. The most significant change 
occurred in observation 9 which is illustrated by a “spike- 
only? distribution, indicating that residual 9 was equal to 
zero for all 100,000 simulations. Consequently, a blunder 
in observation 9 will never be found using L; norm estima- 
tion given the existing network geometry and the stated 14 
observations. To remedy this deficiency, the network could 
be redesigned to incorporate new observations and/or new 
network stations into the network. Although the L1 norm 
fails to identify an erroneous observation under this low 
redundancy scenario (redundancy = 14 - 9 = 5), the L; 
norm holds more promise at blunder detection given ample 
5.3 External Reliability 
External reliability refers to the effect an erroneous obser- 
vation has on the parameter estimates and has been stud- 
ied by many authors (Baarda, 1968), (Mackenzie, 1985). 
Experimentation with external reliability and the L1 norm 
indicates that 1n some instances an erroneous observation 
may have no effect on the L4 parameter estimates at all. 
This unusual circumstance arises because Li norm min- 
imization fails to provide unique parameter estimates in 
some cases. As an example, the simple trilateration net- 
work in Figure 5 was evaluated to illustrate the region 
where the Z1 norm has an infinite number of correct solu- 
tions. These solutions lie on the plane defined by ABCD in 
Figure 6. When examples such as these arise, the network 
could be redesigned to incorporate additional observations 
and/or stations which will reduce or eliminate the effects 
of the network deficiencies. 
6 Statistical Evaluation of Residuals 
Removing observations from a network must be well jus- 
tified, especially given the extensive time, cost and labor 
involved in acquiring high quality observations. There- 
fore the purpose of this section is to determine whether an 
observation should be removed from a network based on 
Figure 5: Trilateration Network II 
^ (1300, 1400» 
300.04 m 300.04 m 
(Observed) (Observed) 
A^ > A 
«1000, 1000) (1600, 1000) 
£ v 
A Fixed Station e 
«1300, 600) 
o Unknown Station 
(xy? Coordinate Definition Not to scole 
Figure 6: L1 Objective Function Corresponding to Figure 
Objective Function, Tivl (unitless) 
= — == 
Nea e 
1000.05 1300.1 
999.95 1299.95 
Y-coordinate (meters) X-coordinate (meters) 
the empirical sampling distribution presented in Section 
4. The statistical test used to identify erroneous observa- 
tions is based on Monte Carlo generated distributions for 
the null hypothesis. 
6.1 Tests on Individual Residuals 
In this section statistical inference is based on a technique 
of simple exponential curve fitting to the empirical sam- 
pling distribution of each residual. Using the area under 
the exponential curve, a straightforward computation of 
critical values results. The residual sampling distribution 
displayed in Figure 3 is symmetric and contains a sharp 
change in grade at the apex of the sampling distribution. 
Since the sampling distribution is symmetric, the curve 
fitting process will take place in the positive quadrant of 
the residual sampling distribution. The exponential equa- 
tion used to fit the sampling distribution (with the spike 
removed) is, 
"s zz 60: 
$2.2, db TR (9) 
a, b, c are unknown parameters 
yi is the relative frequency in the i'^ case 
x; is the residual magnitude in the it? case. 
In addition to accounting for the exponentially shaped por- 
tion of the sampling distribution, the sampling distribu- 
tion must include the zero residuals (spike) in the basic 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B5. Vienna 1996 

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