Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B5)

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X. Wang. & T.A. Clarke. Centre for Digital Image Measurement and Analysis, Department of Electrical, Electronic, 
& Information Engineering, City University, Northampton Square, LONDON. EC1V 0HB. UK. 
Commission V, Working Group 2 
KEY WORDS: K 014 Engineering K 046 Adjustment K 113 Bundle K 176 Close_Range K 199 Real-time, Iterative, Least squares 
Photogrammetric methods will increasingly be used for real-time applications. A typical requirement is the continuous 3-D 
measurement of target locations which arise from three or more cameras at 0.02 ms. per measurement. In this situation user 
interaction with algorithms and hardware will be relatively unimportant and a range of new issues will assume greater significance. 
For instance, if 100-1000 target locations must be measured, then the computational effort must be minimised and if possible 
completely predictable. Furthermore, the external parameters of the cameras must be checked and, if necessary, adjusted at the same 
time as the 3-D co-ordinates are measured, while the internal parameters may be adjusted more slowly. Hence, under these 
conditions, the characteristics of the currently available algorithms and the way in which they are applied must be studied. 
This paper describes a methodology for solving collinearity equations based on iterative least squares estimation. Unlike the 
traditional bundle adjustment which solves for the unknown co-ordinates of object targets and camera parameters simultaneously, a 
solution for least squares estimation is developed which separates the parameters into two different groups, one for camera 
parameters, and the other for the co-ordinates of object points. Each group of parameters is adjusted individually with the other 
group fixed. While conventionally this process may be carried out just once for a variety of purposes, by repeating this process both 
sets of parameters are gradually refined. Because the same functional model is used in the two steps and the process is still a 
conventional least squares optimisation, the final result is the same as that obtained using the usual bundle adjustment but with a 
considerable time and storage saving. The full covariance matrix is not available, but it will not always be necessary in real-time 
systems and it can always be computed if required. 
In close range photogrammetry multiple CCD cameras are used 
to capture images of the targeted object from different 
viewpoints. Based on the geometric perspective principle, a set 
of so called collinearity equations can be derived to establish 
the relationships between 2-D observations on the camera 
image planes and 3-D co-ordinates of object targets. By solving 
the collinearity equations the 3-D co-ordinates of these targets 
can be estimated. Three major steps are normally needed for 
this procedure: (i) 2-D image data acquisition and target 
location; (ii) target matching between different cameras; and 
(iii) least squares estimation of the unknown parameters of the 
functional model. Using powerful processors or hardware real- 
time target location can be realised. Various approaches to 
target matching are possible such as using epipolar lines and 
epipolar planes (2-D and 3-D matching). However, solving 
collinearity equations is still a considerable time consuming 
procedure. It is not appropriate within the confines of this paper 
to give a full review of the historical development of least 
squares optimisation methods so some references and highlights 
are given which are pertinent to the contents of this paper. The 
principles of simultaneous least squares adjustment are well 
known (Mikhail, 1981; Cooper, 1987). It is clear that this 
method provides the de facto standard for the output from an 
adjustment. However, the requirement for large matrix 
inversions places large demands on storage and computing 
power. To avoid this a sequential adjustment may be used as a 
means of providing fast updates for a few parameters while not 
requiring a full matrix inversion (Shortis, 1980; Gruen, 1985). 
For most true real-time applications the direct linear transform 
(DLT) has been used but it does not provide the highest 
accuracy due to its modelling deficiencies and the reliance on 
accurately measured control points for camera parameter 
estimation (Marzan, 1975; Karara, 1980). For situations where 
interior and exterior camera parameters are known a direct 
spatial intersection may be used (Granshaw, 1980; Shmutter, 
1974). Because each of these methods have deficiencies 
research is necessary to find an alternative fast, robust and 
flexible solution. 
This paper discusses a two step separated least squares 
adjustment. It can be shown that this method gives the same 
results as the simultaneous bundle adjustment but with a 
significant decrease in storage requirements and computational 
time. While this method may not be new, to the authors 
knowledge this is the first time the method has been discussed 
in the context of real-time 3-D measurement. For example: 
Shmutter & Perlmuter (1974) discussed the use of iterations of 
the process of resection followed by intersection to save 
computer storage space. In this case the functional model was 
not the same in the two steps hence the results could not be the 
same as for a simultaneous bundle adjustment; Miles (1963) 
discussed the solution of normal equations by an iterative 
process where submatrices representing part of the unknown 
parameters were solved separately. This was done to save 
computing storage requirements; and Hill et al (1995) described 
a two stage iterative solution for image interpretation based on a 
point distribution model. 
Least squares estimation is an efficient method dealing with 
redundant measurement containing random errors of normal 
distribution. It has being widely used in control surveying and 
photogrammetry to evaluate unknown parameters when the 
measured elements are more in number than the minimum 
needed for a unique solution. In this section the normal least 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B5. Vienna 1996 

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