Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B5)

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Fig. 5 Result of digital compilation of Chum-Sung-Dae 
As can be seen from the figures, it can be seen that 
accurate data could be acquired for the Suk-Gul-Am 
because of the existence of past photographs and 
accurate measurements, whereas for Chum-Sung-Dae 
the output data is not as precise. 
4. Application of acquired data 
The experiment data acquired has been evaluated as 
being useful for the a preservation of records and 
because of its digital form, it can be used for various 
analysis. The formative ratio of the Suk-Gul-Am was 
analysed in this study. The formative ratio of figure 6 is 
believed to have been used in determining the scale 
and structure of the main Buddha statue. The 2 
geometric concept is also believed to have been applied 
in the overall design. 
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Fig. 6 The determination of size and scale of the main 
Buddha statue 
In the determination of detail structures of the main 
Buddha, the following figure was developed referring to 
the length of the rulers and scale bars which are 
reported to have been used during that period. 
From the below figures and diagrams of precise 
photogrammetric compilation, it can be seen that the 
main Buddha statue of Suk-Gul-Am is composed of 11 
radial circles. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B5. Vienna 1996 

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