Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B5)

Fig. 7 Result of formative ratio analysis of main Buddha 
As for Chum-Sung-Dae, each detail parts are being 
analysed to be able to preserve its original state. It is 
hoped that this data will be maintained for future 
preservation and renovation in case of any damages. 
Parts of the Chum-Sung-Dae diagram is enlarged and 
after setting a centerline the digital vector lines are 
superimposed onto the digital image of the structure. The 
result is as in the following figure. 
Fig. 8 Image of enlarged portion of Chum-Sung-Dae 
Digital photogrammetry was used for the observation of 
cultural assets and the acquired data was used for 
analysis as well as for preservation. 
Cultural assets of national interest should be preserved 
effectively, and it was shown in this paper that digital 
photogrammetry is an effective tool for such purpose and 
it was also shown that other useful data can be 
acquired and recorded through analysis of formative ratio, 
of position of structural parts and of the state of the 
structure. Digital photogrammetry will prove to be more 
useful through continued researches on the enhancement 
of the accuracy of data acquisition and on the increase 
of types of data collected. 
5. Conclusion 
The following conclusions can be made through the 
application of digital photogrammetry for acquisition of 
data on cultural assets and the analysis of the acquired 
1. The digital depth model of cultural assets acquired 
by digital photogrammetry meets with the 
requirement for preservation purpose. 
2. The acquired data can be used for various 
analysis of the cultural assets. 
Yeu, Bock-Mo, 1991, Photogrammetry, Munwoondang, 
Seoul, Korea, pp. 269-280 
Thomas M. Lillesand, Ralph W. Kiefer, Remote Sensing 
and Image Interpretation, John Wiley & Son, New York, 
Leica AG, 1993, DVP User Guide/version 3.41, Manual, 
Leica AG, Switzerland 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B5. Vienna 1996 
pp. 29; 
J. Ka 
and Re 
B2. pp. 
J. Jan: 
Les, De 
News, S

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