Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B5)

times by 90 degrees to give 24 images. This resulted in an 
imaged target size of the order of 10x10 pixels, target image 
intensities being about 170 grey levels. With no compression 
the original network precision was of the order of 1:116,000 in 
3-D space and about 1/20th of a pixel in image space. 
Q factor | Compression 2D RMS Adjustment | Network 
ratio image RMS precision 
discrepancy image 
(pixel) residual 
30 532 0.0737 0.082 1:74,820 
40 50.0 0.0620 0.075 1:96,100 
50 47.9 0.0478 0.071 1:103,360 
60 45.6 0.0390 0.069 1:108,170 
70 42.4 0.0314 0.066 1:112,110 
80 35.3 0.0235 0.065 1:115,130 
90 16.4 0.0174 0.063 1:115,810 
100 2.6 0.0053 0.063 1:116,000 
LZW 4.4 - 0.063 1:116,000 
Table 3 Performance of different Q factors for the DCS420 network 
1:120,000 7 
60 4 1:110,000 | 
1:90,000 | 
Compression ratio 
i L 1 
Network precision 
0 yyy 1:70,000 
20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 LZW 
20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Lzw 
Q factors 
Q factors 
Figure 12. Image compression Figure 13. Network precision with 
ratio with different Q factors. different Q factors. 
All images were compressed using Q factors ranging from 30 to 
100. Target image co-ordinates were then measured as before 
using the centre weighted algorithm and downloaded into a 
series of identical bundle adjustments. Table 3 and figures 12 
and 13 illustrate: the image compression ratio; RMS image 
discrepancy by simple 2D comparison with the uncompressed 
image and; the RMS image residual computed within the bundle 
From these results, it can be seen that the influence of JPEG 
compression has to rise above about 1/30th pixel before any 
significant influence on photogrammetric adjustment precision 
is seen. The strength of this well designed network has allowed 
much less redistribution of error into the estimated target co- 
ordinates and camera orientation parameters, consequently a 
clear trend of Q factor against object space precision can be 
In summary, careful use of JPEG image compression can be 
recommended for retro-targeted close range photogrammetry. 
The compression ratio can be arranged from 10 to 50 times 
according to the qualities of the imaging system, 
photogrammetric network and required co-ordinate data 
specification. For example, if the system is capable of target 
location precision better than 1/20th pixel, the Q factor should 
be set between 90 and 100. If the target location precision is 
less than 1/10th a pixel, a Q factor can be of 80 or lower can be 
used. A particularly useful indicator for an appropriate Q factor 
is the discrepancy between target locations measured on the 
compressed and uncompressed image. 
Both S-VHS and JPEG can store long sequential images in real- 
time or near real-time for subsequent processing. However, in 
some experimental cases a rapid display of dynamic target 
deformation information can be required. A suitable on-line 
algorithm has been written to satisfy this requirement. 
Practical general purpose algorithms for automatic target image 
measurement consist of target search, target recognition and 
target location processes. Most of the computational time in this 
process is spent on the target search and target recognition 
components (Chen, 1995). A new algorithm based on a prior 
knowledge of target locations from subsequent images in the 
sequence has been written. In this way the time necessary to 
search the whole image, recognise any targets and to compute 
target matches between any two successive images can be 
avoided. A comparison of the computational cost of the target 
location algorithm elements, based on a Pentium-90 PC running 
Windows 3.1 is shown in table 4. It can be seen that a lot of 
time can be spent on unnecessary operations. This is because in 
a targeted image the number of useful target image pixels is 
very small, typically between 1 and 5%. For example, in a 
typical centrifuge experiment image, only 5603 pixels represent 
the targets compared with 442368 pixels in total for the 768 x 
576 image. In Table 4, it can be seen that 600ms are required to 
complete the target measurement process for a 400 target image, 
but of that, 556ms is spent on image background scanning in 
the target search and target recognition procedures. Only 44ms 
is required for the actual computation of all 400 target co- 
ordinates. These times do not include the matching and 
checking of target numbering between successive images. 
Number of targets in 100 200 300 400 500 
Complete general 330 | 440 | 500 | 600 | 660 
algorithm (ms) 
Target recognition 119 | 217 | 267 | 356. | 404 
section (ms) 
Complete prior- 
knowledge based 11 23 33 44 56 
target location (ms) 
Table 4 Some timing performances for target location 
calculations on a Pentium-90 PC 
Figure 14 On-line soil model analysis computed from centrifuge 
image measurement data 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B5. Vienna 1996 
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