Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B7)

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thermography. This particular project will not directly address 
the efficacy of using remote sensing to monitor roof integrity 
over long periods of time, but the study may lead to approaches 
that could be used in long-term monitoring and detection of 
changes in structural roof integrity. 
4.2 Data Collection 
Investigative efforts to date have focused on comparison of 
traditional and remote sensing assessment methods for the K-31 
Process Building at the K-25 Site. Remote sensing data is 
being examined for possible correlations with roof assessment 
measurements made for DOE by Jacobs Engineering using 
conventional ground-based methods. Building K-31 was built 
in 1944 to cover a process building that housed a 24-hour per 
day operation. The roof is a shallow slope, built-up roof with 
an area of approximately 68,748 m? (740,000 ft?) and was last 
re-roofed in 1980. The Jacobs Engineering roof survey (July 
1994) indicated that many sections of the roof were heavily or 
moderately saturated with moisture. It was concluded that the 
roof condition indicated almost total roof failure, and 
recommendations were made for complete replacement. 
Land-based measurements of K-31 were made by Jacobs 
Engineering during July 1994 using walkover video 
thermography. Remote sensing of the thermal infrared 
spectrum was conducted by EG&G Energy Measurements 
during March 1994 using DOE-owned equipment including a 
Daedalus 1268 multispectral scanner. Remote sensing was 
conducted at an altitude of 2,000 feet above ground level for a 
spatial resolution of 1.5 meters per pixel. 
4.3 Results 
Since the thermal and structural properties of a roof change 
over time as the structure ages and degrades, thermal anomalies 
can be indicative of roof decay and intrusion of water into roof 
components. Thermal signatures provide thermal 
characterization of rooftops, including evidence of moisture, 
presence of standing water as pools or in outer roof layers, roof 
sag, structural integrity defects and deterioration by thinning 
materials, rust, material cracks, etc. 
Figure 4 compares a partial map of wet insulation locations for 
the western edge of Building K-31 based on the results of an 
infrared thermography inspection (July 1994) with Daedalus 
1268 nighttime thermal imagery (March 1994). According to 
the results of the walkover survey, the western section (Areas 
6B, 6A North, and 6A South) contains 40-percent wet 
insulation. The suspected wet areas correlate extremely well 
with the cooler temperatures (blue/green) in both daytime 
thermal imagery (Daedalus Multispectral Band 11) and 
nighttime thermal imagery. As a result of the strong visual 
correlation, remote sensing data can generate thermal contour 
and thermal anomaly maps for each rooftop that substantiate 
and compare favorably with video thermography. It should be 
noted that the thermography inspection for the K-31 rooftop 
was conducted over a time frame of eight evenings and 
involved several individuals. The airborne remote sensing 
sensor was able to collect rooftop temperature data for all 
buildings at the K-25 Site in a single aerial survey (multiple 
flight lines). 
4.4 Summary 
Due to the substantial number of large aging DOE roofs and the 
shrinking federal budget for addressing these problems, roof 
assessment surveys by conventional means may become 
increasingly unattractive. The use of a cost-effective alternative 
must be developed. The K-31 roof survey, as well as similar 
work at the DOE Hanford Site, demonstrates that remote 
sensing provides such an alternative. Remote sensing can 
obtain the needed data in a fraction of the time required by 
conventional means and can be performed safely without 
worker risk from walking on roofs of questionable integrity. 
In addition to the use of remote-sensed thermography, the use 
of micro-topography should also be examined as a tool for 
providing evidence of structural deformation, such as roof sag 
due to aging, and to characterize the rooftops of individual 
buildings. Indirect methods for determining surface 
irregularities include using visible wavelength imagery (at low 
sun angles), interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR), 
or infrared (near or thermal) wavelengths (after a rainfall event). 
Standing water on a flat roof after precipitation indicates a 
depression. Roof leaks may be indicated by depressions 
without standing water after precipitation. 
Recent cutbacks in funding and regulatory pressure for less 
study and more remedial action have resulted in a need for 
substantial changes in remedial investigation methods as 
lengthy and/or costly techniques can no longer be tolerated. 
The work described in this paper illustrates that remote sensing, 
used in conjunction with "ground truth" measurements, can 
offer a viable and cost-effective alternative to conventional 
land-based methods. The federally-funded demonstration 
projects of the early 1990s have proven the merit of remote 
sensing. In the coming years, it is our obligation to fully 
develop these proven technologies, provide environmental 
program managers with procedures for their usage, and to 
continue to market and develop their beneficial uses for site 
investigations and trending. In Oak Ridge, Environmental 
Restoration Program managers, as well as the general Oak 
Ridge public, have become increasingly aware of the benefits 
and uses of remote sensing. With this wider level of 
acceptance, DOE is confident that remote sensing will become 
a standard practice for future environmental site investigation 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B7. Vienna 1996 

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