Geological, 40m EDM, forest stands and land use data
were in digital format. These data were converted into
Transverse Mercator projection, which was the standard
projection for Taiwan. A boundary coverage of Der-Chi
watershed, which was digitized from 1:10000
topographic maps, was used to clip these data to ensure
they had the same spatial coverage.
Sub-watersheds for the area were delineated manually
using 1:100000 topographic maps and digitized. The
coverage was cross checked with the DEM data.
Several data layers were generated using ARC/INFO
functions. Taiwan's soil conservation regulations use soil
depth and slope as key factors in determining land use
restriction for sloped land. The soil coverage was derived
for soil sample points using kriging. The DEM was used
to generate a TIN for the region. Slope coverage was then
derived from the TIN.
A 100 meter protection zoné around the reservoir was
generated using buffer function.
Cadastral Data Set
Cadastral data record the ownership and the zoning
restrictions for each parcel and is a vital part of the
environmental database for decision support.
The cadastral information of Der-Chi watershed
consisted of 189 cadastral maps and related records.
These maps were based on a local coordinate system. No
exact mathematical relationship existed between the
coordinate system and Transverse Mercator coordinate
system, which was used for other data.
Several steps had been taken to integrate these maps with
other data. First, a set of points was identified on the
cadastral maps as candidate control points. The positions
of these candidate points were located in field and
differential GPS was used to obtain the coordinates of
these points. Finally, these control points were used to
transform the cadastral maps. The accuracy of the
transformed cadastral maps was checked by overlapping
the roads and rivers on cadastral maps and those on the
physical environmental data set. The results indicated
that the transformed cadastral data was suitable for
environmental monitoring purpose.
Image Data Set
Image data set includes two types of data. The first type
is satellite images, including raw images and classified
land use maps. The second type is photos taken in the
field to record land use. The photos were scanned and
stored in jepg format.
Figure 4 Monitoring System Development Procedures
Environmental Decision support System Development
The purpose of the environmental monitor system was to
build a decision support system which enables
researchers and land managers to query and retrieve
information from environmental database and to perform
analysis required by management tasks. The procedures
used to develop the system is shown in Figure 4.
First, a series of interview with agencies involved in the
land management of the Der-chi area was taken to
understand each agency's responsibility and requirements.
The results of interview were used to formulate the initial
system function requirements. The system was developed
according to these requirements. The system was
delivered to the agencies and tested. Feedback from users
was use to modified the system
The system is developed using Arcview/Avenue in MS
Window environment. All functions are menu or icon
driven. The system is still under development. At the
present, the system includes the following modules.
Data Access and Data Management
Users could retrieve data by various location schemes,
Such as political boundaries, sub watershed units, parcels,
or by subjects, such as geology, land use, slope and soil.
The system uses optical disks to store large quantity of
image data. The information on these optical disks is an
integrated part of the database system and can be
accessed easily from query menu. New images can be
added to the image database quickly.
Map Production
The system provides predefined layouts for map and/or
attribute data output. Users can quickly generate maps
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B7. Vienna 1996
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