When comparing the results of a multitemporal (three
dates) per field classification based on ERS-1 data with
the results for JERS-1 data, varying results were obtai-
ned (cf. table 2). Some crops were classified more
accurately using JERS-1 data, other crops were classi-
fied worse in comparison to the use of ERS-1 data. For
instance, grassland and potatoes were classified most
accurately using ERS-1 data. On the contrary, sugar
beet, maize and barley, for instance, were classified
more accurately using JERS-1 data. The difference in
overall accuracy between JERS-1 and ERS-1 was only
minor. Due to the restricted data set the overall accu-
racies are low in relation to the results with an optimal
data set (about 80% overall classification accuracy).
5.1 Introduction
For the classification experiment a selection of species
from the two forest test sites was made. All species
and species varieties listed in table 3 occur at least 5
times, excluding stands with extreme values, i.e.
stands for which the stand averaged o° deviated from
the species averaged 0° more then 2 times the stand-
ard deviation of the stand averaged values.
Table 3. Selected classes for classification experiment.
Populus 'Zeeland'
Populus 'Oxford'
Acer pseudoplatanus
Fraxinus excelsior
Quercus robur
Pinus sylvestris
OO o 100100 Nb =
5.2 Classification Method
To assess classification possibilities, temporal signatu-
res were visualized to get an impression of class sepa-
rability. Subsequently, a maximum likelihood classifica-
tion was made using Bayes criterion. Both approaches
were applied on the ERS-1 and the JERS-1 data sets
5.3 Classification Results
The temporal signatures of the selected classes are
shown in figure 3 for the ERS-1 images. In February all
poplar classes are clearly differentiated from the other
tree species. This may be a result of the relatively
large trunk size, the relatively high soil moisture con-
tent at that date and the absence of leaves and under-
growth. In March the soil is drier and the contrasts are
lower. In April leaves start to develop and contrasts
start to change. Especially in May the contrast be-
tween classes is large and three groups of classes can
be differentiated. In August the contrasts decrease
again. It appears to be impossible to properly differen-
tiate coniferous (Pinus sylvestris) from the deciduous
A maximum likelihood classification using four ERS-1
images resulted into an overall classification accuracy
of 6596.
: Sigma 0 (dB) | ———— pop dorschkamp
| ——Q-—— pop flevo
— + pop robusta
——Óo——— pop zeeiand
| ———— pop oxford
| ——*—— fraxinus excelsior
|| ——O—— quercus robur
930810 | ——X—— pinus sylvestris
Acquisition dates |
930216 930323
Figure 3. Class averaged backscatter as a function of
time for ERS-1.
Sigma 0 (dB)
——À——- pop dorschkamp
—{— pop fievo
"op robusta
——o0— — pop zeeland
—— —4—— pop oxford
— —t——- Qcer pseudoplatanus
4 - E c rM Lee fraxinus excelsior
L10 = E ere Quercus robur
930212 930328 930512 930807 —— X-— pinus sylvestris
Acquisition dates
Figure 4. Class averaged backscatter as a function of
time for JERS-1.
The temporal signatures for JERS-1 are shown in
figure 4. Though the wavelength is longer the back-
scatter level is comparable or even slightly higher. This
behaviour may be caused by the fact that the longer
wavelength radiation penetrates deeper into the cano-
py and is reflected by larger canopy components, i.e.
by large branches and through the trunk-ground inter-
action, rather than by leaves and twigs as may be the
case for the C-band. In the winter observations Popu-
lus 'Flevo' and Populus 'Dorschkamp' show a relatively
low backscatter level. These may be caused by the
low trunk density of these stands and/or the non-verti-
cal orientation of the trunks. The latter is caused by
dominant wind and theoretically results in a lower
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B7. Vienna 1996
| ——— acer pseudoplatanus