and they do not grow more than 10 cm off the water surface.
Ne p Though in both bands they behave as smooth surfaces acting
aree as quasi-specular reflectors.
, 1994.
Relatório 7. CONCLUSIONS
Eso This study led to the following conclusions: 1) L band is not
z as good as C band for discriminating among the macrophyte
Ahern, F. © genus; 2) L band C composition is very useful for setting the
i Mapping N limits between open water and aquatic vegetation and aquatic
Brazilian 8 system and terrestrial system; 3 ) multiband composition
E allows to separate the macrophyte stands according to their
2 structural features rather than their biophysical features.
grated and
vironment Acknowledgments: The authors acknowledge the National
kne (ed.) Institute for Space Research, the Canadian Centre for
e Remote Sensing and the Canadian International
Development Agency for supporting this project. The authors
Microwave t 8 8 2 ££ 3 € 3 also acknowledge Dr. Raimundo Almeida Filho and the
)n- Wesley, 9 a = National Space Development Agency of Japan for providing
eid à the JERS-1 data used in this research.
Figure 5 - Normalized digital number of the various ground
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htr -heterogeneous; slv -salvinia; frt - forest; wtr -water).
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