Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B7)

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these spatial models do not provide sufficient 
functionality to represent complex landscape- 
ecological systems satisfactorily. Moreover the creativity 
of the modeller is confined. In an ideal situation 
landscape modellers in search of appropriate analytical 
tools and spatial modellers lacking an ecological 
background interact to produce a seamless coupling 
between the two modelling steps. 
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Digital landscape model Spatial model 
Fig. 1. Process of conceptual and concrete landscape 
So far only conceptual models have been dealt with. 
The next step is the construction of a concrete or digital 
landscape model according to the specifications 
originating from the conceptual spatial model (fig 1). 
The specifications concern the implementation of the 
spatial model with some data structure, and the 
surveying and processing of the actual data, eg. digital 
Crucial in the development of a monitoring system is 
the specification of a spatial data model, which enables 
a proper representation of all features of interest. In 
spatial information processing two major approaches 
exist for the conceptual representation of spatial 
systems, the field and object respectively. 
A (physical) field is a feature which is contiguously 
distributed over space and time. In a field the strength 
of the interacting forces is a function of the position 
within the field and the resulting pattern can also be 
expressed in terms of position dependent field values. 
Examples of terrain features with a field characteristic 
ate relief and groundwater table and the gravity field. 
Also the electromagnetic radiation emitted or reflected 
by the earth surface and detected by human vision and 
remote sensing techniques is a field. For the 
lepresentation of fields several data structures are 
available retaining a contiguous character, e.g. TIN, 
contour models and rasters. 
As opposed to the field approach, the object-structured 
approach applies to discrete terrain features. The object 
approach assumes that the Earth's surface is populated 
with spatially interacting discrete units. Each unit or 
object has its own behaviour. The pattern resulting 
from these processes can be expressed by the spatial 
distribution and the state of the objects. Evident objects 
are individual plants or animals, but also less tangible 
spatial units like plant communities can be considered 
as objects. 
Many landscape-ecological concepts use 
discrete spatial units to structure a landscape pattern. 
Kotliar and Wiens (1990) term their elementary units 
patch and define it as 'a nonlinear surface area differing 
in appearance from its surroundings'. Zonneveld (1989) 
introduces the term ‘land unit' for 'an ecological 
homogeneous tract of land at the scale of issue’. All 
methods guiding the landscape ecologist in 
determining appropriate objects for the landscape 
under study have in common that the object has to be 
internally homogeneous in some respect and externally 
heterogeneous. Consequently, in the object approach 
spatial variation is modelled at the objects’ boundary. 
Two opposite approaches for the spatial modelling of 
natural landscapes have been introduced, the field and 
object respectively. Because natural landscapes often 
show both continuous and discrete variation in space 
and time, they are not properly represented in only one 
of the two alternatives. In order to be able to describe 
continuous and discrete variation simultaneously, a 
hybrid terrain description allowing the location of fields 
in an object is suggested. For example the distribution 
of solitary shrubs in a varying herbaceous vegetation 
can be modelled this way. 
There is, however, no practical application yet 
of this hybrid approach known to the authors. This is 
surprising, because many landscape-ecologists 
recognise the existence of both discrete and gradual 
transitions in one landscape type. Moreover there is a 
strong analogy between the approach of fields in 
objects and the landscape-ecological concept of 
patches in a matrix (Forman and Godron, 1989). in this 
concept non-patch areas are called matrix when the 
following three criteria are met: 
1. relative to the patchy area the non-patch area 
is more extensive, 
2. the non-patch area is highly interconnected, 
3. controls many of the dynamics in the 
Consider again the example vegetation, where shrubs 
form patches. Due to the criterium of more or less sharp 
boundaries around patches obviously not the whole 
landscape has to be patch covered. In the example the 
rest-area or non-patch covers the herbaceous 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B7. Vienna 1996 

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