Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B7)

6.1 Revision of the Forest-Management-Map 
The system was tested by foresters within map revision 
projects in lowland and in highland. In a first step a high 
quality orthoimage was generated using the hybrid data 
structure of HIFI. Then the existing data set of the 
Forest-Management-Map was extracted from the fo- 
restry GIS (SICAD) and transferred into the PHOCUS 
data base. After superimposition the operator was able 
to detect the changes in the forest population by compa- 
rison of the digital orthoimage and the original map. 
Although only black and white images at a scale of 
1:15000 were available for the testareas, it was possible 
to recognize changes in forest stands parcels, tree stock 
descriptions, homogeneity of population and age 
With the use of colour infrared images interpretation is 
more efficient , so that even the degree of damage could 
have been determined. It is not possible to extract infor- 
mation about the rejuvinescence of the population less 
than 2m in height. As a fact of monoplotting of course 
height of trees cannot be measured. 
The changes were edited in the original data set in the 
PHOCUSenvironment. PHOCUS offers a feature to set 
a distinguishing tag on all objects which have been edited 
or recorded during map revision so that only the revised 
objects have to be transferred back to the forestry GIS 
A print-out of the revised map superimposed with the 
orthoimage proved to be a very good "work map" for 
verification in the field. After field verification the chan- 
ges again were edited in the monoplotting environment. 
This "three step approach" turned out to be adequate 
and the acceptance by the foresters was quite good. Up 
to now the revision of the forestrial maps is done by field 
verification only, correcting the analogous maps. Al- 
though field verification is still indispensable, the prepa- 
ration for an efficient field work and the revision via 
digital monoplotting is substantially easier. For example 
the contours in the highlands were very useful during 
field verification. Beyond that the forest population was 
reliable identified from the digital orthophoto, therefore 
the corrections in the field were reduced considerably. 
6.2 Inventory by Spot Checks 
Spot check inventory usually is carried out in the follo- 
wing way: The area to be inventoried is covered with a 
regular grid. Within a defined circle around the spot 
check point all trees are registered with their type, crown 
diameter, and damage class. 
With the developed system it is possible to superimpose 
the inventory grid and the investigation circles with the 
orthoimage. Now the inventory can be performed easily 
on the screen using the zoomed colour infrared orthoi- 
mage (cf. Fig. 6). For field verification the combined 
print-out of orthoimage and inventory grid is an excel. 
lent tool to locate the position of the check spot in the 
field and to verify the results on the spot. Especially in 
the highlands the preliminary inventory map is very use- 
ful to locate the check points. Different tests of this two 
stage approach have proved to reduce the time consu- 
ming investigation in the field remarkably. 
Usually the inventory is repeated in regular time inter- 
vals (e.g. annually). In this case, the former inventory can 
be visualized on the orthoimage and changes of the state 
of the individual trees and crowns can be detected and 
revised correctly. A pure crown mapping by means of 
the digital orthophoto also is possible. 
Figure 6: A spot check for forest inventory 
6.3 Sanitation of Protective Forests 
Especially in alpine regions the forest is of great impor- 
tance to protect settlements and traffic facilities from 
avalanches or damages caused bysoil erosion. Therefore 
an important field in forestry is monitoring and sanitati- 
on of so called "protective forests". If the forest cannot 
fulfil its natural function of protection, replanting or 
man-made constructions have to be planned. 
The digital monoplotting system was also tested for this 
task. In a first step the DTM products contours, colour 
coded slope and aspect maps were derived from the high 
quality DTM. Since the superimposition of DTM raster 
images causes an erasing of the orthoimage, a tool was 
developed which allows the operator to vectorize the 
areas of interest interactively by screen digitizing. 
In figure 7 the orthophoto and the demarcated areas 
obtained from a slope map are shown in superimpositi- 
on. In a similar way colour coded exposition maps were 
used. Now these "areas of danger" were investigated in 
detail with the use ofthe orthoimage. Specific actions or 
constructions have been planned directly on the screen 
using a "toolbox" of the most common damming opera- 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B7. Vienna 1996 
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