Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B7)

distribution at (x0,y0), and Sx, Sy is the 
deviation to x direction and y direction 
respectively. And wave direction a is yield 
by using x0 and yO as Fig.4. 
Secondary power spectrum at (1,j) is calculated 
as follows. 
=, Aexp{-[(i-x0)2/sx2+(j-y0)2/sy2]/2} 
eu FEAR ENR Ls ea MMC 5) 
Random phase Ÿ is used to simulate the random 
wave. Real part : power R and imaginary : power 
I part are defined as eq.6) and 7) respectively. 
powerR(ij)- power(i,j)* cos O ...............- 6) 
powerlü = power(i,j)* sin 9 ........ 7) 
The simulate image of marine radar is yield 
through inverse FFT by using power R(i,j) and 
Power I(i,j). In this case the data from marine 
radar is only real part, eq.6) is used to simulate 
the image of marine radar. 
Fig.4 The definition sketch of the wave number 
spectrum of the simulated wave 
3.2 Verification of the Radar data 
Analysis method 
Fig.5 shows the simulated image of marine 
radar. This image is simulated as the wave 
direction is 45 deg. And Fig.6 shows the wave 
number spectrum distribution of the wave field 
defined as Fig.5. Fig.6 shows there are two 
peaks in the wavenumber space, 45 deg and 225 
deg. In this case sea covers O - 180 deg, the 
wave direction is defined as 45 deg. This shows 
that if the wave with incident angle 45 deg is 
monitored by marine radar the wave direction is 
estimated 45.6-49.2 deg. 
When wave direction is 0, 30, 45, 60, and 90 
deg and wave length is 1/8, 1/4 and 3/8 of 
perimeter size of target area. It is concluded that 
the accuracy of the proposed method in this 
study is over 90% 4) 
And Fig.7 shows the result of translating wave 
direction-frequency space for coastal engineering 
use through eq.4). 
T Tr T 
-50.0 00 500 
Fig.5 The simulated image of marine radar 
(wave direction: 45 deg) 
| o -500 
T T T T 
-50.0 0.0 50.0 
Fig.6 The wave number spectrum distribution of 
the simulated wave of Fig.5 in the Kx-Ky 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B7. Vienna 1996 
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