Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B7)

Table 5: Results_of the classified images 
Class Tips 1984 1992 
ha % ha % 
Water 67.32 0.82 63.81 0.77 
Wetland 64.62 0.79 * x 
Forest 4455.81 54.10 3520.53 42.74 
Green 1392.39 16.90 1636.65 19.87 
Base Soil 1729.71 21.00 1556.28 18.89 
Roads 5.22 0.06 43.74 0.53 
Industry 38.25 0.46 151.29 1.84 
Urban 441.90 5.36 1264.68 15.36 
Building in 41.76 0.51 - 
Total 8236.98 8236.98 
In Remote Sensing Classifications, accuracy refers to the 
between the class label assigned to a pixel and the "true" 
class. The true class can be observed in the field directly 
or indirectly; for example, from a reference map or merge 
images (Janssen,1994) In this study classification 
accuracy has been assigned by selecting 500 pixels 
randamly for both images. As a result the total accuracy 
has been calculated from the error matrix. The accuracy 
of the 1984 classified Landsat images is 9096 and it is 
9296 for the 1992 images. 
This study provides a current investigation in the 
monitoring of water basin area using multitemporal 
images. It has always been a big problem to derive land 
use information using spectral data. 
The classification results obtained in this study have 
shown that high resolution Landsat images can be 
effectively used for the study of land use-cover. In 
addition, it has also pointed out a large scale 
urbanisation from 1984 to 1992 in the Elmali Water 
Therefore, water basin areas in Istanbul should have the 
first priority for the environmental protection. Current 
status analyses and updating of these should be carried 
out by using remote sensing data. 
Çetiner.A. Türkoëlu. H. and Güngèr. O. 1994. Evaluation 
of Urban Environment of Istanbul's Resource Areas. 
Planning For A Broader Europe VII. AESOP 
Orhon. D., 1991. Istanbul'da Su Toplama Havzalarinda 
Endüstriyel Kirlenmenin  Boyutlari, An International 
Symsposium for Strategies on Protection of Water 
Basins. ISKI pp. 254-272. 
Drury. S.A., 1987. Image Interpretation in Geology, Allen 
and Unwin (Publishers) Ltd. pp. 145-146. 
Ormeci. C., Sunar. F., 1994. Identification and 
Multispectral Analysis of Changes of Green Areas and 
Coastal Zones in the Kilyos-Karaburun Coastline of 
Istanbul, TURKEY. Second Thematic Conference on 
Remote Sensing for Marine and Coastal Enviroments- 
New Orleans, Louisiana. 
Janssen L.F. Lucas., Var der Well J.M. 1994. Accuracy 
Assesment of Satellite Derived Land-cover Data: A 
Review. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote 
Sensing. April 1994 pp.419-425. 
Ehlers. M., Jadkowski. A.M., Howard. R., Brostuen. E.D. 
Application of SPOT Data for Regional Growth Analysis 
and Local Planning. Photogrammetric Engineering and 
Remote Sensing. February, 1990. pp.175-180. 
Treitz, M.P., Howarth J.P. and Gong, P. 1992. 
Application of Satellite and GIS Technologies for Land- 
cover and Land-use Mapping at the Rural-Urban Fringe: 
A Case Study. Photogrammetric Engineering and 
Remote Sensing, April 1992, pp. 439-448. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B7. Vienna 1996 

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