Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B7)

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obtained enhancement by using correlation coefficient 
instead of band covariance matrix is also supported by the 
improvement in signal-to-noise ratio. Following Ready & 
Wintz (1973) signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) may be determined 
as the ratio between the first eigen value and the maximum 
spectral band covariance. For the Ariab sub-scene; 
using covariance matrix (table 1); 
SNR = 1562.29/692.95 = 3.53 dB 
whereas using correlation coefficient (table 2); 
SNR = 5.65/1.0 = 7.52 dB 
It can be seen that the obtained improvement is in the order 
of 3.99 dB, signifying the superiority of the standardized PC 
transformation. Furthermore, it should be noted that 
topographic expressions are well preserved in most of the 
PCs obtained from correlation coefficient and noise 
distribution is generally less, unlike the unstandardized 
components, facilitating more band combinations. 
The Ariab Mininig District (AMD) of the central RSH is known 
for gold mineralisation associated with silica-barite lenses and 
dissiminated sulphides — (Wipfler, 1994). These 
mineralisations are often  surfacialy represented by 
gossaniferous bodies of variable dimensions showing intense 
oxidation effects. Magnetite is the most abundant oxidation 
product observed in the massive sulphides (pyrite, sphalerite 
and chalcopyrite). The country rocks display effects of 
chloritization, sericitization, carbonisation, and silicification; 
whereas high flourine content & the formation of hydroxylated 
minerals added to the occurrance of alunite in the silica-barite 
suggest involvement of hydrothermal solutions (Wipfler, 
1994). Figure 4 shows a generalized geological map of the 
Ariab area and the known gossaniferous bodies. 
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Figure 4. Generalized gological map of the Ariab area showing the 
Major gossaniferous bodies (modified after Wipfler, 1994). 
3.1 Feature Oriented PCA 
The application of PC transformation for mapping alteration 
Zones has been introduced through a technique called 
Feature Oriented PCA by Crosta & McM Moore (1989). In 
this approach four input bands, out of which the desired 
target has characterstic contrasting spectral features in two of 
them, are selected and processed. The eigen matrices 
contributed by these two bands are then examined for their 
significance in last two higher-order components. The 
desired target is often mapped in one of these PCs with 
opposite signs. Details of the method has been well 
elaborated in Loughlin (1991). 
Two four-band sets: TM 1, 3, 4 & 7, and 1, 4, 5 & 7 covering 
the Ariab sub-scene (area “A”, fig. 1) of the RSH (path/row 
171/46) were selected to represent iron-oxide and hydroxyl- 
rich minerals, respectively. The data were then geocoded, 
atmosphericaly corrected and principal component 
transformations performed. The 1st PCs mapped albedo 
and topographic information whreas the 2nd PCs display the 
VIS/IR versus SWIR bands in contrasting signs as often the 
case is. The eigen vectors of PCs 3 & 4 were checked if 
they contain significant loadings in opposite signs from input 
bands of 1 & 3 and 5 & 7, as these band pairs are expected 
to display contrasting response for iron and hydroxyl-rich 
TM1 TM3 TM4 TM7 
PC1 0.38 0.60 0.53 0.46 
PC2 -0.07 -0.24 -0.43 0.87 
PC3 -0.84 -0.06 0.52 0.18 
PC4 0.39 -0.76 0.51 0.08 
PC1 0.33 0.46 0.71 0.42 
PC2 -0.30 -0.69 0.22 0.62 
PC3 0.84 -0.25 -0.39 0.27 
PC4 -0.30 0.50 -0.55 0.60 
Table 3. Eigen vector loadings of the Ariab sub-scene; a) for "iron- 
oxide" mapping using bands 1, 3, 5 and 7, b)for "hydroxyl" mapping 
using TM bands 1, 4, 5 and 7. 
minerals, respectively (Loughlin, 1991). In both of the 
considered cases PC4 appears to have mapped the iron- 
oxide (-0.76) and hydroxyl-rich (-0.55) minerals in dark pixels 
(table 3), and to obtain them as bright pixels these images 
have been negated. This operation excludes the effect of 
vegetation from both PCs by mapping them in dark pixels. 
The next important step was to filter the images by 3X3 low- 
pass matrix in order to supress the obviously incorporated 
high noise. The effect of noise is apparently well pronounced 
in the “hydroxyl” image possibly due to band-5 that also has 
the largest variance and overall reflectance. A “mixture” 
image was also produced by linear combination of the two 
images. A composite image has been finally obtained by 
using the "hydroxyl", "mixed" and "iron-oxide" imges in R, G 
and B, respectively. Figure 5 shows the "iron-oxide" and 
"hydroxyl" images before and after fileting. 
Comparison of the the obtained composite with available 
map (Wipfler, 1994) has shown that all the known 
mineralisations have been mapped in a distinct yellowish 
color against the bluish-red country rocks (Kenea, 1996). It 
is also possible to suggest other potential sites which may 
require field verificastions. Furthermore, it is to be interpreted 
that the yellowish hue suggests the dominance of 
hydroxylated-silicates in the mineralisation, and could be 
followed also along most slopes close to the insitu altered 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B7. Vienna 1996 

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