Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B7)

and observed on N-th day. It is found out from these 
figures that some areas in the composite image of OCTS 
or GLI will catch only backward reflectance radiance and 
the others only forward ones. This property is very 
eminent for GLI. On the other hand, any point in the 
composite image of AVHRR will have the high probability 
to catch the radiance from various scan angles. In 
general, the backward and forward radiance from the 
same objects are different. The backward reflectance 
radiance from a dense forest is bigger than the forward 
one, whilethe case of a desert is vice versa. 
When the period for image composite is set longer, for 
example almost one month (27 days), the composite 
image of AVHRR is usually produced using three 
sequential nine-days composite images. The method is 
adaptable for GLI. For OCTS, however, the image should 
be produced using fifteen scenes acquired on N-1, N-12, 
N+3, N-8, N+7, N-4, N+11, N, N-11, N+4, N-7, N+8, N- 
3, N+12 and N+1st days. In this case, the pixels on the 
composite image will be probably observed with various 
scan angles. 
The solar zenith angle at observation affects NDVI. 
Figure 3 shows the coverage patterns and solar zenith 
angle of AVHRR and GLI at the vernal equinox. The case 
of OCTS is very similar to that of GLI. The gaps of GLI 
coverages can be identified in the regions of about 60 
degrees in latitude owingto the tilt function. The patterns 
of solar zenith angle for AVHRR is changed even on the 
same season because of the delay of the local time at 
descending node. The characteristics of the solar zenith 
angle of composite image is as same as that of scan 
angle. Any pixel of AVHRR composite image has the 
probability to be observed with various solar zenith 
angles. While the pixels of OCTS or GLI are observed with 
some limited solar positions. If the monthly composite 
image is prepared by the method as mentioned before, 
various solar zenith angles will be identified on OCTS 
composite images. 
The method to make a composite image of OCTS and GLI 
as same as that of AVHRR proposed before is as follows; 
1) The area of images with scan angle up to 30 degrees 
are primarily utilized. 
2) The period for composite is set to 9 days. The numbers 
of images acquired during nine days are three for OCTs 
and six for GLI. Cloud free composite image wl 
sometimes not be able to be produced, especially for 
OCTS because only three images are available during 
nine days. When the period is set to one month, three 
nine-day composite images of GLI are used to produce 
one month composite and fifteen images of OCTS 
indicated in chapter 4 (not nine day composite images) 
are used for one month. 
3) The scan angle and the solar zenith angle of any pixel 
in the composite images of AVHRR, OCTS and GLI are 
different from each other. When those composite 
images are used integratedly for vegetation monitoring, 
cross calibration have to be examined with the 
considerations of these differences. 
In this paper, the geometric properties of making the 
composite image of AVHRR, OCTS and GLI for 
vegetation monitoring are examined and the method of 
image composite is proposed. The OCTS and GLI data 
are not available. After the launch of ADEOS in this 
summer, | will examine to check the method using 
AVHRR and OCTS data. 
If the method is adaptable, it willbe applied to GLI data in 
the future. 
Hashimoto, T., Murai, S., 1992. Generation of cloud free 
vegetation index map, Proc. of the 13th ACRS. 
Kajiwala, K., Ryutaro, T., 1992, Aaalyses of problems on 
the utilization of NOAA GVI data (in Japanese), Journal of 
JSPRS, No.31, No.3, pp.16-24. 
Singh, S. M., 1988, Simulation of solar zenith angle effect 
on global vegetation index (GVI), Int. J. Remote Sensing, 
Vol.9, No.2, pp.237-248. 
Matsumoto, M., et al, 1991, A study on the dependance 
of NOAA GVI on solar zenith angle and its correction (in 
Japanese), Journal of JSPRS, Vol.30, No.3, pp.34-41. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B7. Vienna 1996 

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