Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B7)

Nimbus  TOMS 
method Sof 
was. used^ for the 
present study. *This:-TOMS- .IPAR 
data set consists of monthly 
average estimates, at a spatial 
resolution OF 1°*<12 Cdegres from 
data from 
through: the 
Dye {19919 
Eck and 
669N- ‘to 166 "S “Latitude. “The data 
for the Indian region Was 
extracted ‘from (the uglobal’ ‘data 
set’ Cand 2 interpolated "to match 
the 39^: km.cresolutiormn" of “NDVI 
3.2 Climatic data 
Time seriesoiclimatic data" for 
India including 'daily rainfall, 
maximum and minimum temperature 
were extracted from Global 
Summaries prepared by National 
Climatic Data: Center, USA. "This 
contained daily observations 
for: more than 200nistations Jof 
India for::1977-1991. a But: cCom- 
plete:.data-cofor only about 975 
stations.in India was:available 
for-ethe-year 989 which: was 
used in the present study. The 
daily data was converted to 
monthly rainfall and monthly 
average mean temperature. 
One of 
faced in 
major challenge 
estimation of 
agricultural productivity is 
the mapping of agricultural 
areas. "Therefore,o^efforts were 
made to develop an automated 
technique for the identifi- 
cation” and mapping of tagricul- 
tural areas based on NDVI- 
climatologucal modeling. The 
conceptanisy based ron: thesgfact 
that «he NDVI'of*- the (natural 
vegetation 1s expected to show 
a positive correlation with-the 
climatic. ofactors « Oofvsthe area, 
but: ‘notiithe NDVI ofVthe:dgri- 
cultural crops: which ‘are sarti- 
ficialbly" mañaged “by € œupplying 
terms of 
addicioóonal inputs ‘in 
water and nutrients. 
there is a possibility of 
identifying the agricultural 
pixels sasooutiiersjin the NDVI- 
climatological relationship 
(Hooda and Dye, 1995). 
The NDVI and climatit ‘data for 
the year 1989, a .normalijcyear 
with respect to monsoon 
effecting Indian agriculture, 
was used for the present] study: 
The = ‘point climatic data for 
about 75 meteorological 
stations was correlated against 
the average NDVI in /a 3*3'pixel 
window around the same 
location. Relationship was 
tried for different crop 
growing seasons of winter, 
summer ‘and monsoon as well. as 
on annual basis. 
No relationship between 
and mean "temperature > could be 
observed in the present. study 
The ‘possible ’reason-‘could be 
that India is a tropical 
country “andvitemperature 1istingt 
a limiting factor for the 
growth ¢ of {vegetation fore moss 
of the year. Relationship 
between NDVI and"5rainfall Mg 
different Seasons also 
not be^ observed but ->the-“ annual 
integrated NDVI0 : did0 ‘show f 
Togar ithmié relationship with 
the annuali: rainfall. ‘However, 
some outlier pixels showing 
very high NDVI^át'"-low rainfall 
were also noticed. The  rela- 
tionship improved signifi. 
cantly after removing these 
outlier ‘pixedlssricBased ‘on, ‘this 
analysis a pixel was classified 
as agricultural:pixel if, 
ENDVI=0.0042*ann. rainfall+0.5 
Since this 
high NDVI 
rainfall, at 
to assume 
technique identifies 
pixels at low 
would "be-ological 
these pixels as 
irrigated agricultural pixels 
because only irrigated'aoucmops 
can show high NDVI-evem: atc ow 
rainfall due to availability of 
water ‘through irrigation.c Thus, 
one’ ofc thew: limitations «of niche 
technique ,is'"^that  it^omay not 
separate Out dry land 
agricultural areas cas>well/%s 
some 'of*trhe irrigatedv areas iin 
the high rainfall eastern 
region of the country. "However, 
when compared with the 
available irrigated areas map 
of ithe (country, .the’ctechnique 
Seems to give ^a fair idea of 
the major‘ irrigated "areas ‘in 
the- country.. The? net irrigated 
area reported in the country is 
only 1397290 sg km.;… but’ the 
net sown area with reasonably 
assured water supply is 
reported as 726170 Sq. km. 
(Anonymous, 139897) compared to 
750016 sq.’ km. observed based 
upon the present technique. 
Thus, the NDVI-climatological 
technique proved -quite useful 
in quickly generating an 
irrigated agricultural areas 
map. This ‘map Was cCused ^as à 
mask ‘to’ extractidifferent data 
sets for only agricultural 
areas of India. 
Use of PEM for 
productivity. involves 
steps as detailed below: 
5.1 Fraction of IPAR absorbed 
by vegetation (fAPAR) 
vegetation index 
The. spectral 
produced by 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B7. Vienna 1996

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