for planning purposes. Examples of the environmental
conditions that can be studied include landcover (vegetation
type, amount, and condition), terrain elevation and related
drainage patterns, and soil conditions (including near-surface
soil moisture).
The USDOE has made use of similar remote sensing surveys
for the detection and potential identification of historically
contaminated sites at nuclear materials production and
processing sites (Blohm, 1994). Remote sensing has proven
especially useful for the detection of undocumented buried
waste sites (Brewster,, 1994), hazardous material spills,
and vegetation and habitat damage related to previous or
ongoing operations.
To take advantage of multisensor surveys, many analyses
involve the use of a group of experts from several disciplines
who collaborate to provide a more comprehensive
understanding of a site's environmental conditions. Remote
sensing expertise, specific application disciplines (e.g.,
hydrology, botany, or geology) and site knowledge all
contribute to make a multidisciplinary analysis more
meaningful. The combination of expert collaborations and
the use of multisensor survey data has proven useful for
several environmental restoration and monitoring programs.
Another key element of the RSL multisensor survey program
is the use of spatial data handling and analysis tools. Sensor
data is collected and tagged with positional data provided by
the Global Positioning System (GPS), which is used for both
navigation and flight path recovery to index the remote
sensing data. Image processing tools are also important to
image registration and rectification, critical steps for
multisensor data integration. Once integrated, spatial
statistics, Geographic Information Systems (Christel,
1994), and 3D visualization tools are used to analyze and
view the composite data.
Blohm, J.D., 1994. Pen Branch Stream Corridor and Delta
Wetlands Change Assessment. DOE Report No. EGG
11265-1013. EG&G Las Vegas, Nevada.
Brewster, S.B., M.E. Howard, and J.E. Shines, 1994. A
Multispectral Scanner Survey of the Tonopah Test
Range. DOE Report No. EGG11265-1092. EG&G Las
Vegas, Nevada.
Christel, L.M. and A.L. Guber, 1994. Land Cover Mapping
And GIS Processing For The Savannah River Site
Database. DOE Report No. EGG11265-1016 EG&G Las
Vegas, Nevada.
Feimster, E.L., 1995. An Aerial Multisensor Survey of the
Paldiski Naval Reactor Training Facility and the Sillamae
Waste Pond. DOE Report No. EGG11265-1169. EG&G
Las Vegas, Nevada.
McCreary, T., 1979. Overview of EG&G Optical Remote
Sensing Capabilities. EG&G, Las Vegas, Nevada.
Richards, J.A., 1986. Remote Sensing Digital Image
Analysis. Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg. pp.146.
Smith, J.T., editor 1968. Manual of Color Aerial
Photography. American Society of Photogrammetry, Falls
Church, Virgina. pp.381.
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B7. Vienna 1996