Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B7)

and TIR wavelength regions. 
In addition to the spectral emissivity, accurate values of 
ground surface temperature can also be determined by mul- 
tispectral thermal IR measurements. If these surface 
kinetic temperature and emissivity measurements are made 
on a diurnal basis, then one can also calculate thermal 
inertia of the surface materials, using appropriate models 
(Kahle, 1977; Kieffer et al., 1977). Thermal inertia pro- 
vides a measure of the effective particle size of dry mate- 
rial and can be a useful tool for discrimination and map- 
ping of bedrock versus surficial deposits. Day-night tem- 
perature variation also provides an indication of moisture 
at or near the surface, as the heat of evaporation moderates 
diurnal temperature variation. 
Since 1982, NASA's airborne Thermal Infrared 
Multispectral Scanner (TIMS) has allowed demonstration 
of the utility of this wavelength region for geologic appli- 
cations (Kahle and Goetz, 1983). TIMS has six spectral 
channels between 8.0 and 11.7 um, with a NEAT of 
<0.2K in each channel, and an IFOV of 2.5 milliradians 
which provides ground resolution from 5 to 50 m, depend- 
ing upon aircraft altitude. Like the initial airborne sensors 
that provided the stimulus for space platforms in the 
VNIR, this instrument has demonstrated the utility of this 
wavelength region for compositional mapping, has proven 
that we can observe spectral features on natural surfaces, 
and has helped to define the functional requirements for 
thermal infrared remote sensing instruments. Other air- 
borne instruments are now available including the 
Multispectral Infrared and Visible Imaging Spectrometer 
(MIVIS), the Airborne Hyperspectral Scanner (AHS) built 
by Daedalus, the Geoscan Scanner from Australia, the 
ATLAS Sensor developed and flown by Stennis Space 
. Center, and the MODIS Airborne Simulator (MAS), 
flown at NASA's Ames Research Center. In addition, 
portable field spectrometers have become available includ- 
ing the uFTIR from Designs and Prototypes (Hook and 
Kahle, 1995), the MIDAC instrument from MIDAC that 
has been used both in aircraft and on the ground to mea- 
sure downwelling and upwelling radiance and THIRSPEC, 
developed in Canada by Rivard, et al. to provide geologic 
ground truth in support of airborne and satellite data. 
These new instruments further demonstrate the interest in 
the thermal region for geologic applications. 
Over the last several years, instruments have been flown 
in orbit to image the Earth's surface in a few thermal 
infrared bands at a spectral resolution of about a kilometer 
or more. These include such instruments as AVHRR and 
ATSR. While these instruments have proved extremely 
useful for measurement of sea surface temperature, their 
utility over land is somewhat reduced because of the high 
spatial variability of land surfaces and the nonuniform 
spectral emissivity of the land surface materials, These 
factors combine to make an accurate determination of lang 
temperatures difficult. Landsat, while having a better 
spatial resolution in the thermal infrared — 120 m — py 
had only a single channel in this wavelength region so m 
multispectral data could be obtained. However, in the 
next few years we can anticipate new instruments which 
will have several to many bands in this region with much 
higher spatial resolution. These new instruments wi] 
allow much more accurate determination of surface spec- 
tral emissivity and surface temperature. One of the first of 
this new generation of thermal infrared imaging instr. 
ments will be ASTER. Other projected instrument; 
include PRISM from ESA (Rast and Kealy, 1993) 
IRSUTE from CNES (Durpaire et al., 1995), and 
Sacagawea from NASA, but they will probably be à 
couple of years or more later than ASTER. 
ASTER (Yamaguchi, et al., 1994; Kahle et al., 199]; 
Fujisada, 1995) is a facility instrument selected for launch 
in 1998 on the first NASA Earth Observing System 
spacecraft, EOS-AM1 (Asrar and Dokken, 1993). The 
ASTER instrument is being sponsored and built in Japan, 
with funding provided by the Japanese Ministry of 
International Trade and Industry (MITI). The Japan 
Resources Observation Systems Organization (JAROS) is 
responsible for the design and development of ASTER 
which is subcontracted by JAROS to NEC, MELCO, 
Fujitsu and Hitachi. 
The objectives for the ASTER instrument are to obtain 
high spatial resolution multispectral targeted data in the 
visible and infrared wavelength regions. An international 
team of scientists are developing the algorithms and soft 
ware that will be used to process the data from the instru 
ment into standard and special data products. The standard 
data products will be produced at the Earth Resources 
Observation System (EROS) Data Center (EDC) Land 
Processes Distributed Active Archive Center (LPDAAC 
at Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Special data products wil 
be produced by the Science Team members at their home 
The ASTER standard data products that will be ready a 
launch will include radiance at the sensor, brightness fem: 
perature at the sensor, atmospherically-corrected surface- 
leaving radiance, surface emissivity, surface kinetic tem 
peratures, decorrelation stretch images and local Digital 
Elevation Models (DEMs). In addition, other standard data 
products may be developed postlaunch, and several special 
data products will be produced by the ASTER investis 
tors at their home institutions. These data products can 
used by the general science community in studies of ge 
logy, surface radiation balance, evaporation and evapottar 
spiration, vegetation, soils, the hydrogeologic cycle 
surface-atmosphere fluxes, surface change detection 
glacial studies, volcanic processes, sea ice and clouds. 
ASTER is comprised of three radiometers: (1) a thre? 
channel visible-near infrared two-telescope radiomël 
(VNIR) that is capable of providing stereo data for ll 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B7. Vienna 1996 
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