Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B7)

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precipitation of 2 or 4 days compared to the grassland and the 
forested areas. 
Meanof | 2Days | 4Days | 10 Days | 20Days 
: 0.20 0.39 0.64 0.70 
-0.05 0.46 0.62 0.69 
0.36 0.58 0.69 0.83 
-0.18 0.00 0.38 0.32 
Table 1: Correlation Coefficients Between Backscatter and Pre- 
cipitation Averaged on Various Time Frames Before Each ERS- 
1 Acquisition. 
Table 2 summarises the results from linear correlations between 
temperature at various times of the day and mean backscatter 
values of deciduous and coniferous forest stands. The ERS-1 
backscatter of the three coniferous stands exhibit strong correla- 
tions to temperature, with maximum correlation coefficients to 
the last temperature measurement (09h00 GMT) before the ERS- 
] acquisition (10h20 GMT). On the other hand, the mixed de- 
ciduous forest stand shows no significant correlation of ERS-1 
backscatter to temperatures. 
A theoretical study (Wegmiiller et al., 1994) shows that C-band 
backscatter in ERS-1 configuration of coniferous trees decreases 
with decreasing temperature, leading to the high positive correla- 
tions in Table 2. This study also allows the backscatter behaviour 
of deciduous trees to be explained as the result of two opposite 
mechanisms. In late autumn and winter an increase of backscatter 
due to leaffall might be balanced by the decrease of backscatter 
due to change in trees' dielectric properties with decreasing tem- 
peratures. As a result of these opposite effects, no significant 
correlations are found in Table 2 for deciduous trees. 
OOUh | I2h | 15h 
0.28 | 0.24 | 020 
0.87 | 0.35 0:82 
0.82 | 0.80 | 0.77 
0.77 | O75 | 071 
Table 2: Correlation Coefficients Between Backscatter of a 
Mixed Deciduous, two Scot Pine and a Douglas Fir Stand and 
Temperatures at 6 h, 9 h, 12 h and 15 h GMT. 
Grassland, agriculture and forest, vegetated areas characterising 
a landscape, were used to study phenological and seasonal influ- 
ences on ERS-1 backscatter evolution from which typical exam- 
ples are presented. As can be seen from the temporal ERS-1 sig- 
natures in Fig. 1, discrimination of grassland (in this case natural 
vegetation) and agriculture is possible from October onwards. 
From the knowledge of local agricultural practice, the increase of 
backscatter for the agriculture area can be attributed to harvest- 
ing and soil treatment, which result in bare soil conditions during 
the winter period. 
The same is also valid for the differentiation of forest and agri- 
culture (Fig. 2), even if test areas are considered with a mixing of 
Sighatures during the summer period. 
9° -8 
9 -10 
211: 229 232 235 262 274: 292-304 310 (319 53473401123 (1/58 
Day of Year 
Fig. 1: Temporal Sequence of ERS-1 Backscatter for Agriculture 
and Grassland Test Areas. 
Sigma Nought [dB] 
211 2295232 235 1262 271 292,304 510+ 319-334 340 125 38 
Day of Year 
Fig. 2: Temporal Sequence of ERS-1 Backscatter for Forest and 
Agriculture Test Areas. 
Sigma Nought 
211 229 232.235 262 271 292 304 310-319. 334 340x125 © 38 
Day of Year 
Fig. 3: Temporal Sequence of ERS-1 Backscatter for Deciduous 
and Coniferous Forest Test Areas. 
Fig. 3 shows the comparison of the temporal ERS-1 signature of 
a mixed deciduous and a coniferous (spruce) stand. There is no 
clear indication of any effect of leaf fall on backscatter of de- 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B7. Vienna 1996 

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