Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B7)

ciduous trees in autumn and winter, whereas the coniferous stand 
exhibits a decrease of backscatter in these seasons. As stated 
above, the theoretical study of Wegmüller et al. (1994) provides 
an explanation of these phenomena. Similar experimental results 
have also been found by other authors concerning leaffall influ- 
ences to backscatter (Pulliainen et al., 1991, Ahern et al., 1993), 
and decrease of the backscatter of conifers relative to deciduous 
during the winter period (Ahern et al., 1993). 
To summarise the observations for all the vegetated test areas, 
Fig. 4 shows a plot of the ERS-1 backscatter range, defined as 
the difference between maximum and minimum measured 
backscatter of all acquisitions, versus the average ERS-1 
backscatter value of all measurements. Generally, different target 
groups ie. different combinations of high or low average 
backscatter and high or low dynamic range can be distinguished. 
Woody plants/forests form a group with high backscatter and a 
low dynamic range of backscatter over the seasons. In this group 
conifers show the highest dynamic range while young stands 
show the lowest average backscatter. Herbaceous vegetation 
(grassland) has a low average backscatter and medium dynamic 
range. Agriculture has the highest dynamic range of backscatter 
due to the influence of cultivation practices. A separation of 
woody and herbaceous vegetation and also of different accumu- 
lations of biomass seems to be possible using this representation. 
-6 T T 
eT old , mixed forests + 71 
zm E m. 
al + + + coniferous = 
= + 
2 " 
ER ici t — 
5 —9 agriculture 
© + + 
2 iol young + gt] 
S =11 = Hi 3 — 
2 ep pes grassland m 
+ + 
—13— ei 
-14 J L 
2 3 4 5 
Range of Backscatter [dB] + 
Fig. 4: Average ERS-1 Backscatter Versus Range of ERS-1 
Backscatter of All ERS-1 Acquisitions for Different Vegetated 
Test Areas. 
In order to confirm the conclusions drawn from Fig. 4, two sta- 
tistical tests have been performed. The first test consists of the 
computation of an index of separability (Dobson et al., 1992). 
This test makes the assumption of Gaussian distributed classes. 
The second test consists of the computation of the probabilities 
of misclassification between classes, assuming that they are 
Gamma distributed (Nezry et al., 1993). Results of both tests 
showed up to be consistent. 
As example table 3 summarises results of the probabilities of 
misclassification between the major classes of vegetated areas 
used until this stage of the study. It clearly appears that good dis- 
crimination of all the classes considered can not be achieved us- 
ing only one ERS-1 acquisition. In general, better conditions for 
the separability of classes occur between October and May, due 
to combined seasonal, phenological, and cultivation practices in- 
fluences on ERS-1 backscatter. 
50.0 11.8 27.9 à 
50.0 10.7 50.0 50.0 133 
50.0 14.0 36.7 50.0 112 
50.0 21.4 40.0 50.0 17.6 
50.0 224 50.0 50.0 214 
30.1 354 50.0 50.0 314 
30.7 20.3 1.3 36.5 21.9 
31.5 21.3 5.9 50.0 254 
26.8 19.4 17.7 40.1 28.7 
27.8 18.2 13:3 26.7 230 
24.6 14.9 7.5 34.2 17.6 
232 13.3 11.5 27.4. 12.1 
26.2 10.4 6.4 34.6 18.3 
27.2 16.4 7.1 30.9 26.1 
Table 3: Results (in Percentage) of the Test of Probability of 
Misclassification for Pairs of Major Land Use Classes (50.0 
Means No Separability). 
After multisensor/multitemporal data fusion, , the possibility of 
retrieval of forest stands attributes was investigated using GIS 
information and combined SPOT and ERS-1 data. Since, accord- 
ing to the German forest taxation practice, biomass is not gen- 
erally estimated for young forest stands, age information pro- 
vided for all forest stands by the GIS was considered for this 
study. Stand age is known to be, in general, correlated to impor- 
tant physical forest stand attributes. 
xs1 xs2 xs3 211 229 232 235 262 271 292 304 310 319 334 340 123 38 
SPOT Bands Day of Year for ERS=1 Acquisitions 
Fig. 5: SPOT Reflectivity and Temporal Sequence of ERS-1 
Backscatter Averaged for Forest Age Classes 1-10, 11-20, 21- 
30, 81-90, 91-100, 101-110 Years (Bottom to Top). For Better 
Comparison SPOT and ERS-1 Signatures are Represented in 
Digital Numbers. 
The response of forest age classes to SPOT spectral bands and to 
the ERS-1 time series are depicted in Fig. 5. SPOT XS1 and X 
bands show no apparent sensitivity to age of forest stands. The 
SPOT/XS3 band shows decreasing reflectance for increasing 
forest age. On the contrary, ERS-1 radar reflectivity increases 
with forest age, until saturation is reached after about 30-40 
years. A very interesting fact, and also potentially useful for 
applications, is that this behaviour remains stable. Seasonal and 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B7. Vienna 1996

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