dentata Thunb.). Site B is a typically flat region of reed
vegetation (Phragmites communis Trim.) in the Nakdong
River estuary . The estuary is well-Known as winter habitat for
migratory birds and is characterized largely by sandbars and
sand dunes.
JERS-1 OPS data for the study area were obtained on 26
December 1992, 11 : 23 A.M. with a solar elevation of 28.9?
and a sun azimuth of 160.8?. The system correction which has
performed by RESTEC (Remote Sensing Technology Center)
of Japan was made up to BSQ Level 2. The OPS VNIR sub-
system has two bands in the visible region (band 1 : 0.52 -
0.60pm, band 2 : 0.63-0.69um), and two bands in the near
infrared region (band 3,4 : 0.76 - 0.86pm) including one band
for stereoscopic view (forward looking) with a ground
resolution of 18.3m x 24.2m.
A total of 137 sample polygons of mountainous forest
were selected within the study area image for four different
aspects : N(316° - 45°), E(46° - 135°), S(136° - 225°), and
W(226° - 315°). The digital numbers of three bands (green,
red and near infrared) were measured for each of these
polygons. In order to minimize the heterogeneity of the
samples and to explore bidirectional effects on different
canopy types resulting from vegetation and topography the
normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and the
transformed vegetation index (TVI) were investigated.
In this study the NDVI was calculated as (OPS 3 - OPS 2)
/ (OPS 3 + OPS 2) and the TVI was calculated as [(OPS 3 -
OPS 2) / (OPS 3 + OPS 2) + 0.5 ] "”, where OPS 2 and OPS 3
are the DN values in OPS band 2 and 3 , respectively.
For most vegetated surfaces with variation in reflectance
directionality the obtained vegetation indices were unable to
discriminate the detailed classes for land cover when the
change rates of vegetation indices against for different aspects
were larger than the change rates of reflectance values for
different aspects caused by the effect of shadows due to steep
slopes and low solar elevation. The maximum-likelihood
classification algorithm was also unable to classifying the
mountainous areas accurately.
On the other hand, water surfaces were flat so that those
satellite images could be classified for water properties and
qualities with maximum likelihood method.
During the course of this study I found that the effects of
shadows on the classification of JERS-1 OPS images could be
reduced through the SAM algorithm. The SAM algorithm
determines the spectral signature similarity between the
representative spectral mean DN values calculated from the
training field pixels and the spectral DN values derived from
each pixel in the image through the spectral angle differences
(angluar distance in radians) between their vector directions in
n-dimensional (band) space. A more detailed mathematical
description of the algorithm, concepts and applications of the
program are described in CSES and CIRES(1992), Research
Systems, Inc.(1995), and Yuhas and Goetz(1993).
The OPS VNIR data were processed and analyzed using
the Environment for Visualizing Image (ENVI) image analysis
and the Arc/Info and ArcView GIS software on a Sun sparc
10/51 workstation in the Department of Forest Resources
Remote Sensing Laboratory at Kookmin University, Seoul,
4.] Directionality of Vegetation Indexes and Spectral
The weighted mean values of the spectral digital numbers
and vegetation indices for four slope orientations obtained
through 137 sample polygons are given in Table 1.
In the mountainous forests at a sun elevation of 28.9? and a
sun azimuth of 160.8°, the spectral reflectance(DN) values
decrease in the order of south, east, west and north(Figuire 1)
But the magnitude order of NDVI is neither consistent
with that of TVI nor of the DNs, and the change rates of NDVI
values for different directions are larger than those of TV]
These phenomena can be explained by the heterogeneity
of the samples and the variation of bidirectional effects. Table
2 presents the variation of vegetation indexes due to
bidirectional effects in the homogeneous forest canopy
structure of the mountainous site A when compared to the
vegetation indexes of reeds vegetation on the flat site B.
Since the both VI values of site B are similar for all four
reflected directions these normalized relationship methods can
be used as a winter cover monitoring parameter on flat terrain,
regardless of illumination under low sun elevation condition.
Due to the strong illumination variation in mountain area
with steep slopes the obtained vegetation indexes were also
stratified by aspect against the four reflective directions.
4.2 Spectral Signatures Analysis
As point out in the above result, the spectral reflectance
characteristics of land covers of the study area could be limited
to case of flat terrains because it is difficult to refine the
correction model for topographic effects. Figure 2 shows
different spectral responses from nadir views of OPS-VNIR
data (except band 4) for the ground in flat terrains.
When compared to the other spectral DN values, land cover
classes of reeds vegetation and sand dune bordered on the river
and estuary low reflectance values in the green, red, and near-
infrared band. This phenomenon was influenced by high water
absorption. The spectral signature distinctiveness between
cover type sand dune and rock & sands were also related to
water content which altered the scatter directions of the
Typically spectral signature similarity for spectral
reflectance curves and separability between vegetated and nor
vegetated cover types on the images can be determined
through the use of NDVI. This phenomenon is evident in the
NDVI values for the classes reeds vegetation and fallow &
arable farming shown in Table 3.
For water surfaces the VNIR data acquired by an off-nadir
optical system with a Charge Coupled Device(CCD) are
relatively insensitive to geometric illumination conditions
compared with whiskbroom scanning.
Therefore, the spectral reflectance responses and derived
vegetation indices could be used to estimate the quality of
water, monitor the water pollution sources and the turbid wate
induced by tide in Nakdong River estuary.
Figure 3 shows the spectral digital numbers and
vegetation indexes obtained from VNIR values over water
bodies in Nakdong River and the coastal zone.
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B7. Vienna 1996