Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B7)

e medium: borders clearly visible but not obvious; only small 
but still distinct differences to the neighbour stand; reduced 
visibility in the stereo model e.g. edge of the photo. 
e Difficult: no clear border lines; no obvious difference to the 
neighbour stand; bad visibility in the stereo model e.g. 
hidden position due to exposition. 
3.3 Selection of the test objects 
For the testsite in Germany 5 stereo models, which is 25% of 
all existing stereo models have been selected randomly. Within 
the 5 stereo models all border lines of the different forest units 
have been visually classified into one of the three different 
complexity classes. 
For the Italian testsite a stratified sampling was necessary, due 
to the fact that the area is very inhomogeneous. Therefore three 
geomorphologic units were first delineated and then in each 
subunit the samples randomly selected. One subunit was 
represented by 2 stereo models, while each of the other two 
subunits were represented by 3 stereo models. The total of 8 
stereo models was again 25% of all existing stereo models. The 
border lines of all forest units in the selected stereo models 
were again visually classified into one of the three complexity 
3.4 Delineation procedure 
In order to value the delineation accuracy 10 testpersons were 
selected which provided the same education background and 
had all basic photogrammetric knowledge. Five persons even 
had an extensive experience in aerial photointerpretation and 
photogrammetric measurement. To achieve standardisation for 
the delineation an interpretation key was developed to provide 
information on 
the subject of delineation 
the photomaterial 
the test area 
the stands which had to be delineated 
the rules of delineation and 
the successive steps for interpretation 
Important for the comparative valuation of the delineation 
results were the rules for the delineation. The rules comprised 
for both testsites the following points: 
® the stands had to be delineated according to their 
homogeneity in tree species and age, 
® the delineation line between unequal high stands or 
between forest and non forest had to be located in the 
centre of tree crowns of the higher stands, 
e for equal high stands the delineation line had to be located 
in the centre of the deepest visible point between these 
e discontinuities had to be taken into consideration for areas 
with more than 30 m width (approximately two tree 
e in case only tree species are changing areas with more than 
60 m width or at least one hectare size had to be taken into 
For the interpreters it was not necessary to identify the type of 
tree species but they only had to register the change in tree 
species. Aside to the stereo model each interpreter had a paper 
copy of the infrared airphoto, where all stands which had to be 
delineated were marked by numbers. Each interpreter had to 
delineate the same stand twice. During the process of 
delineating the interpreter was able to see his delineation in the 
stereo model through the VIDEOMAP device. 
3.5 Calculation of the delineation accuracy 
Due to the assumption that all delineated lines represent 
equally the truth, there is no ‘true line’ to which the test 
delineations can be referred. On the other hand this means that 
all lines represent a certain inaccuracy. In order to quantify this 
inaccuracy all delineation lines were first transferred into 
ARC/INFO GIS and reduced to x and y co-ordinates. Due to the 
deviation between the delineation of different interpreter the 
stand border was then represented by a net of two-dimensional 
lines. After the lines were framed by a minimum and a 
maximum polygon a measure of the variation width was 
possible. For the calculation of the delineation variation subsets 
out of the polygons in form of polygon pieces were selected 
representing equally each complexity class. In order to quantify 
the variation of all delineations each selected polygon piece 
was buffered starting one time from the maximum polygon 
piece and second time from the minimum polygon piece. The 
buffers were step by step enlarged till all existing delineation 
lines in that polygon piece were included. For each buffer step 
around the maximum polygon respectively around the 
minimum polygon the length of delineation lines included was 
calculated. This calculation provided a distribution of line 
length starting from the minimum respectively maximum 
polygon piece. It was then assumed that the buffer section with 
the highest density of lines, respectively the section with the in 
total longest line distance, is the buffer section with the highest 
probability to represent the true stand border line. After the 
distribution was then transformed in that way that the buffer 
section with the maximum length of lines was the reference the 
demonstration and calculation of 
line length over distribution width (buffer section) became 
All together 36763 m delineated stand border was evaluated. 
63.7% of the border lines were classified ‘easy’, 20.3% were 
classified ‘medium’ and 16% were classified ‘difficult’. 
4.1 Evaluation of the 1:7000 aerial photographs 
All together 7169 m of stand border was delineated in the large 
scale photographs. Table 1 gives the distribution over the 
different complexity classes. 
Tab.1: Evaluated border length in each complexity class (scale 
Complex |testarea | |testarea2 |testarea 3 | total 
easy 1168 m 976 m 2144m 
medium 693 m 1170 m 596 m 2432 m 
difficult 968 m 626 m 999 m 2593 m | 
The investigation shows for the complexity class ‘easy’ 80% of 
the delineation lines within 2 m distance and 100% within 51 
(Fig. 1). For the complexity class ‘medium’ 100% of the 
delineation lines are included within 20 m, but already 59% of 
the lines are included within 5 m and 9196 within 11 m. (Fig. 
1). For the complexity class ‘difficult’ all delineations are 
within 57 m (100%), but already 99% are within 41 m, 90% 
are within 27 m and 60% of all lines are within 12 m (Fig.l) 
The wide distribution of lines for the 10096 in the complexity 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B7. Vienna 1996 
1 inae im narrant

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