Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B7)

Due to insufficient surface water resources, quick identification of potential groundwater zones play a main 
roll in implementing accelerated agricultural and industrial projects for which water supply is the major 
constraint. Therefore the detailed regional hydrogeological mapping together with surface geophysical 
surveys such as geo-electrical surveys cannot full fill this requirement as those geoscientific works should 
be carried out on long term exploration project basis. Also the cost and manpower required for these kind 
of exploration programs may not be sufficient to cover within the project budget specially in developing 
countries. To overcome this problems, the model described in this paper would give satisfactory support in 
as it facilitates quick identification of potential groundwater zones on regional basis with less labour-cost 
involvement. However, for the final site selection for drilling tube wells should be carried out by localized 
geophysical surveys such as geo-electrical profiling and soundings within the high potential ground water 
zones selected by the model, described above. Remote Sensing techniques such as interpretation of aerial 
photos and landsat imageries together with digital image processing is very useful in detection and 
extraction of relevant spatial parameters and GIS is useful in handling spatial data more efficiently. 
The author wish to acknowledge the technical support and advice given by Prof. Dr. A.M J. Meijerink, Mr. 
B.C. Hansmans and Drs. D. Kovacs from the International Institute for Aerospace surveys and Earth 
Sciences (ITC), The Netherlands during this study period. 
1. Agterberg, F.P, G.F. Bonham-Carter and D.F. Wright 1988. Statistical pattern integration for mineral 
explorations. Proc: Cogeodata Symp. on computer application in resource exploration, Espo, Finland. 
2. Bonham-Carter, G.F., F.P. Agterberg and D.F. Wright 1989. Weights of evidence modelling: À new 
approach to mapping mineral potential. Statistical applications in the earth sciences, Geological Survey 
of Canada, Paper 89 - 9, Ottawa. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B7. Vienna 1996

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