Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B7)

After the necessary further examination of the 
following points: the high building density, the 
narrow streets, and the excessive concentration of 
population, two districts were selected for further 
study. The first was Nagata District and the second 
was Nada District, and the decipherment of analysis 
of building types in Kobe Government was here carried 
out as below (Figure 2,3): 
4)-1. Decipherment map of building type and height 
This decipherment map was drawn up for the relative 
evaluation of the surrounding area by means of 
stereography based upon aerial photographs.(Table 1) 
4)-2. Further detailed mapping of the types of 
buidings surviving after the earthquake in an actual 
field survey of this No. 2 District.(Fig.2-1,3-1) 
4)-3. Mapping of inspected damaged structures, 
classifying each as "burned out” or "not burned out”, 
in the urban disaster area.(Fig.2-2,3-2) 
4)-4. More detailed mapping compared with stereo- 
graphical analysis, field surveying and the dwelling 
map in addition . 
4)-5. Consideration, for each district, of the risk 
of fire, through the building type mapping and urban 
disaster mapping. The points examined were elements 
of geographical natural information, the architec- 
ture of the houses and other buildings, and urban 
5)-1. Rate of building and house type (Table 2,3) : 
Table 2 represents the result of the decipherment rate 
of building type through stereography based on aerial 
photography, the topographical map, and the dwelling 
map.The lower side of the table shows the result of 
stereography and topography mapping, and the upper 
side shows the rate of results to be added to the 
dwelling map from this stereography and topography 
mapping. Rate decipherment of open spaces and of 
buildings of more than three stories was determined 
correctly, but that of wooden-framed housesand 
one-storied houses was somewhat underestimated in 
decipherment of building types. 
Wooden - framed 1F Non - wooden - 
Wooden - framed 2F~ framed —2F BEER 
Openspace areas Non - wooden - 
framed 3F~ [J 
Figure 3-1 Map of Decipherment in Nada (Before) 
Wooden - framed 1F Non - wooden - 
Wooden - framed 2F~ framed ~2F 
Openspace areas Non - wooden - 
framed 3F~ L —] 
Figure 3-2 Map of Decipherment in Nada (After) 
Fire stop line Ca 
Spred of fire course aul 
Out break of fire * 
Figure 3-3 Map of Urban Disaster of fire in Nada 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B7. Vienna 1996 
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