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Head of layer with steep slope or cliff
em Head of layer — Dip direction — Hogback
- —7
Fault .
"Drainage pattern
for Damascus area.
ill Kerren (lapiaz) — karstic alignment
Formation boundary
Low area with alluvial infill
Villages. Urban center (Damascus)
| Figure 6, Hydrological interpretation of SPOT image
The image covers only the northernment edge of
this unit. It is characterized on the sothern margin
of the scene by a nearly uniformly dark color. It is
a vast gently east sloping fan of volcanic materials
flowing from the fracture which limits the Anti-
Lebanon at the south of Mount Hermon.
Closer scrutiny helps to distinguish between two
different untis.
- a lower unit consisting of dark-colored formations
which appear, particularly in the Hineh region, as
interbedded in light-colored formations. It is pitted
with red spots revealing crops. Its boundary with
the Quaternary fills of the Awaj river is difficult to
trace certainly,
- a lighter-colored upper unit forming a irregular
east/west band, nearly 35 km long, with a width
fluctuating between | and 6 km. This is a recent
and nearly unweathered flow.
It supports virtually no crops, and, in its upstream par
edge, it invades valleys associted with the present
drainage pattern (south of Beit Jinn).
The different volcanic flows are interbedded in
the continental formations of the Damascus
basin. They belong to the same tectonic unit,
the Arabian shelf.
Geologically, the region covered by the scene
recorded by SPOT 1 on 12 and 13 March 1986
in the Damascus region lies at the crossroads
of three of the middle East's major structural
units :
- the Anti-Lebanon Range,
- the Palmyra Range,
- the Arabian Shelf.
The boundaries between these units appears
to be marked by sinistral slip faults. They tend
to imply that the structure, although affected
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B7. Vienna 1996