Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B7)

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values of an endmember in 1986 is very similar to 1991. 
Differences are due to the fact that the images were not 
spectrally calibrated and to seasonal changes. The 
endmembers have a high spectral contrast which is 
necessary for a successful separation. 
| Endmember | Vegetation | Built-up Area Water 
TM Channel (86/91) (86/91) (86/91) 
1 85/70 147/151 99/96 
2 33/32 72/79 43/45 
3 27/24 86/99 40/49 
4 152/161 77/92 26/27 
5 88/106 133/165 9/7 
7 25/3] 86/97 6/5 
Table 1:DN-Values of Endmembers for 1986 and 1991 
Using the selected endmembers the mixture rule (1) was 
applied to both satellite images individually, resulting in 
three fraction image per image, giving the proportions of 
vegetation, built-up areas, and water plus the shadow and 
the rms-error images. The fractions are rescaled according 
to the rules of table 2 to allow visualization. 
Fraction | Fraction Image Value 
«-] 0 
-1 to 0 0 to 100 
0 to 1 100 to 200 
1to 1.55 |200 to 255 
155 285 
Table 2: Rescaling of Fraction Images 
The next step is to use to use the fraction images to 
determine those areas, where building activities have taken 
The method used here to detect urban growth is closely 
related to image differencing. The main use of this 
technique so far has been in subtracting bands or principal 
components from one another. Both have the disadvantage 
that neither individual bands nor principal components 
contain information which may be regularly related to a 
special land cover type. Fraction images, on the other hand, 
offer the advantage of containing a priori defined 
qualitative information (certain land-cover type). The 
method to detect changes suggested here is to subtract 
fraction images from one another, which represent the same 
land cover type, calculated from satellite images recorded 
at different dates. If the fraction images represent the same 
type of information changes should be clearly seen, as the 
fraction images values must be higher or lower for pixels, 
Where the land cover type has changed compared to a pixel 
from an earlier date. Two premises must be satisfied before 
à change detection may be attempted. First it is necessary to 
make sure that the fraction images actually represent the 
same information. To check this, the histograms of both 
fraction images are compared. If the information is the 
Same, then the general shape of the curve must be 
approximately the same as well except for minor 
differences which are due to land cover and seasonal 
changes. Also, one must make sure that the information 
shown by the fraction images is as pure as possible, i.e. 
only the land cover type in question is represented. If that is 
not the case, the change detection will be negatively 
influenced, and methods must be found to remove these 
influences. To do that the inclusion of one or more other 
fraction images in the change detection might be advisable. 
Figure 1 shows a comparison of the histograms of the 
fraction images for built-up areas for 1986 and 1991. 
40000 or 
30000 | qr 
Number of Pixels 
VERS t A -e 
80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 
Figure 1: Histogram of the Fraction Images for Built-Up 
Areas for 1986 and 1991 
As the histograms of 1991 has a shift of 5 DN-values to the 
left, as compared to the histogram of 1986, the 1991 
histogram was corrected by these 5 DN-values for the 
comparison. The histograms have a very similar shape, 
with the exceptions of a peak at DN-value 100 in the 1986 
histogram and a peak at DN-value 105 in the 1991 
histogram. These peaks are due to different cloud covers in 
different parts of the image and changes in vegetation. As 
these differences are in areas where there are no buildings 
(a DN-value of 100 is equivalent to a fraction of 0), these 
slight differences will not affect the change detection. 
The next step is the subtraction of the fraction image for 
1986 from the fraction image for 1991. The result is a new 
image, and to show the areas of interest, all pixels which 
have a positive difference of more than 20 are highlighted. 
The threshold value of 20 was found to be most suitable 
after examining different values. A problem encountered 
here is the differentiation between bare soil and built up 
areas. To overcome this problem, the fraction image for 
water from 1991 is also included to make the 
differentiation more reliable. It was found that very low 
values in the fraction image for water and high values in 
the fraction image for built-up areas is an indication of bare 
soil rather than buildings. Although the change detection 
was carried out for the whole city of Vienna, a 
development area in the north-east of Vienna was chosen to 
examine the results of the method in detail. The result of 
this analysis is a map (Figure 2) which shows where 
building activities have taken place (black), or might have 
taken place, but are more likely to be fields (grey). 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B7. Vienna 1996 

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