Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B7)

3.1 Threshold Selection Using Ground Truth Data 
We carried out the ground truth of several regions that 
actually changed at time intervals of 4 years (1987-1991) 
and located them in the image under consideration. After 
that, we determine the threshold of the distance D so that 
the area of change investigated by the ground truth is 
successfully detected. 
In this study, we selected three different areas of change: 
1) newly developed residential area in the mountain, 
2) newly constructed factory in the rice field, and 
3) newly extended road in the rice field. 
And then we computed the mean values of D, D;, Dj, Ds 
for each of three areas, 1), 2) and 3). The threshold value of 
D, Dy, was determined as D, = Min.{D;, D,, D3}-C, where 
C is an arbitrary small value used for detecting the 
localized pixel area of change in the image. As a result, we 
found D, — 6.9 (multiplied by 10). Fig.4 is the image 
showing the area of change. In Fig.4 white regions 
represent the area of change. 
3.2 Change Detection Using 2-Dim. Histograms 
In the procedure for detemining the threshold described in 
the previous section, the ground truth is needed to find some 
areas that have actually changed. In this section we describe 
a method for detecting the area of change automatically. 
This method is based on the idea that some peaks 
corresponding to the area of change will occur in a 2- 
dimensional frequency distribution against two distance 
variables, d; and d; (1j). For example, consider the land 
use change of the vegetation field into the residential area. 
In this case, the change of reflectance ratio in TM bands 1, 
2 and 3 will occur in the areas where land use changed, 
because for their spectral bands the reflectance of the 
residential area is larger than that of the vegetation. If we 
construct the frequency distribution against distance values 
in two of three bands, it will have significant peaks at the 
large distance value. This is the reason why we use a two 
dimensional histograms. 
We investigated the shape of histograms for all 
combinations of TM bands (4C, = 15) to detect the area of 
change. As a result of it, in all the histograms, more than 
two significant peaks were found in the region where the 
value of the distance is large. It will be, therefore, possible 
to extract the area of change from the reflectance ratio 
image if we can detect the pixels in the image that distribute 
around the significant peaks in the histogram. However, it 
is difficult to extract some peaks from the frequency 
distribution automatically. For simplicity, we divided the 
two bands distance space into two regions, Change Area 
and Non-change Area, as follows: 
Change Area is the outside of the ellipse defined as 
dep te | (8) 
aj. b 
Where a; and b; are the values of d; and d; corresponding to 
the valley (minimum between two peaks ) that occurs in 
frequencies on each axis in band i and band j, respectively. 
Non-change Area is the inside of the ellipse given by 
In order to examine which combination of TM bands 
provides better results in detecting the area of change, we 
extracted the pixels from the paired images that correspond 
to Change Area in each of all the histigrams and checkeÿ 
whether the areas 1), 2) and 3) used as ground truth data in 
the previous section 3.1 are successfully detected. 
Consequently, we found the following results. 
(1) The combinations of did», dod, d4d; provided better 
results, because the land use in the study site mainly 
changes from the agricultural field to the residential are 
and road. 
(2) It is difficult to detect the area of change fiom 
histograms whose variables are taken as distance values 
including bands 4 and 5, because most of the study site 
consists of the vegetation field such as agricultural area and 
forest, and so it is difficult to find small peaks in the 
(3) In the case that more than two valleys are found in the 
histogram, we obtain better results if we select the distance 
value corresponding to the second valley as aj or bj in 
Fig.5 shows the frequency distribution in bands 3 and 7 and 
Fig.6 is the image showing the area of change extracted 
from the histogram in bands 3 and 7 (White regions 
represent the areas of change.) 
To compare with the results of the section 3.1, we also used 
the ground truth data, 1), 2) and 3), given in the section 3.1. 
Fig.7 shows the shape of the extracted area of change. As 
seen from Fig.7, in the extraction of facory in the case 2), 
the change detection algorithm described in this section is 
superior to that in the section 3.1 because the shape of the 
buildings appears clearly. In the case 3), the present 
algorithm provides better results, as compared to the change 
detection method described in the previous section because 
the chain of pixels in the road is more smooth. 
A new change detection method using the relative 
atmospheric correction of multi-temporal Landsat TM 
images was described. This method is based on the idea that 
the surface reflectance ratio, A(t2)/A(t1), at two different 
times, t1 and t2, is obtained from count levels, X(12) and 
X(t1), of the corresponding pixel at two different image 
and the coefficients of the linear equation derived from tle 
relative atmospheric correction. In order to detect the ar& 
of change, the distance d of A(t2)/A(t1) from the value of 
was introduced and the threshold of d was automatically 
determined by using the  2-dimensional frequency 
distribution of distance values in different spectral bands. 
As a result, it was shown that the values of A(t2)/A() af 
almost normally distributed around the value 1 in eve 
spectral band. It was also found that the areas of land cov 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B7. Vienna 1996 
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