950nm), the average of o is 0.45 and that of z is 0.49.
These values and measured soil reflectance op ,=0.055
are used for the simulation. Coefficient of variation of
p is about 5%. In the other regions, coefficient of
variation is higher than 15%. This shows that NIR
region is the most optimal to use as the indicator of the
3-D structure of rice canopy that is not withered.
4.1 condition of the simulation
The simulation is carried out under the following
two conditions.
Condition A. Experimental field: this is the condition
that is similar to the experimental field measurement
condition. In the other words, direction - intensity
characteristics of the incident light is approximated by
a function of yzl(0)cos7.168. Where I(6) shows the
intensity to the direction 0. Basic unit is situated
based on the measurement situation.
Condition B. Wide spread field: This is the condition
that specular light enters homogeneously to a scene
composed of repeat of basic unit which spread enough
widely to the vertical direction. IFOV of the sensor can
be any combinations of basic unit. In order to account
for the air effect, it is necessary to combine air
reflectance models with this model. The probability
concerning to photon fate remarked in 2.3 is given by
causing a suspected random number. Individual leaf
reflectance and soil reflectance are given by in situ and
field measurement respectively.
B-1. Leaf reflectance o, absorbance «œ and
transmittance c are constants.
B-2. p, a and r are given as follows.
p7 p.* p,
a=a ta, (1)
Where p and a. are constants. oy and a, are
10.050, and £0.05 respectively.
4.2 comparison between simulated and measure
NIR bidirectional reflectance distribution qj
thirteen kinds of rice canopy is simulated under
condition A. Fig. 4. Shows the comparison of the
calculated reflectance factor to the view azimuth 1g
deg., view zenith 0, 45, 60 deg. with the measured one
in an experimental field. RMSE means Root Mea
Square Error. This shows the simulation is effective for
valuating the rice canopy bidirectional reflectance.
4.3 simulation of rice canopy reflectance in wide
spread fields
Fig. 5. shows simulated NIR bidirectional
reflectance distribution of thirteen kinds of rice canopy
under condition B-1. Incident zenith angle is 15 deg.
2.5 x 106 photons are traced. Following results are
obtained by the simulation.
Basically, reflectance factor inclined to be higher
to each direction as rice grows up. This shows that the
effect of the total leaf area increasing on bidirectional
reflectance is more dominant than that of leaf
inclination in each direction.However, comparing the
dense plot in July 16th with that of July 21th, the
former has higher reflectance to the nadir direction, and
has lower reflectance to greater than 30 deg. zenilh
angle. This is the case of either 0, 45, 90 deg. azimulh
angle. This seemed to be caused by the difference oi
leaf inclination.
Dense plot:e ,Sparse plot:o
(a) V.Z.-60deg.
(b) V.Z.-45deg.
(c) V.Z=0deg.
25; - |
8 20! RMSE=4.0 | < | RMSE=3.5 | RMSE=1 5
8 15] 14 ;
© ] o Me |
> 10- Z^ À
0 510152025 0 5 10152025 0 5 10 1520 25
Measured (%)
Fig. 4. Comparison between measured and calculated reflectance factors
(condition A, view azimuth = 0° )
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B7. Vienna 1996