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C. P. Lo
Professor of Geography
University of Georgia
Commission VII, Working Group 7
KEY WORDS: Quality of Life, Thematic Mapper Data, Census Data, NDVI, Principal Components Analysis
The quality of life (QOL) of the Athens-Clarke county of Georgia was assessed by integrating biophysical
variables extracted from Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) data with socio-economic variables obtained from
the U.S. Census data. The biophysical variables extracted include per cent of urban use, normalized
difference vegetation index (NDVI), and apparent surface temperatures. The socio-economic variables
extracted are population density, per capita income, median home value, and per cent of college
graduates. These data are integrated by means of principal components analysis (PCA) and GIS overlay
functionality. It was found that PCA has been particularly successful in linking the two sets of variables
through the formation of two Tasseled Cap data planes of "Greenness" and "Economic Well Being" so that
transition between the two planes can be interpreted. The results indicate that high-resolution satellite
image data can complement census data in providing more realistic QOL assessment with an
environmental perspective.
1. INTRODUCTION which is located about 100 km northeast of Atlanta
and 160 km northwest of Augusta in the United
Quality of life (QOL) is a subjective measure States. It has a total area of 31,379.19 ha and a
(Andrew, 1986). Most QOL studies make use of population of 87,594 in 1990. The major city in the
socio-economic data from the census, and county, Athens, had a population of 45,734 and is
environmental data are seldom employed. The home to the approximately 28,000 student campus
objective of this research is to explore the of the University of Georgia. There is a high degree
integration of the biophysical data extractable from of contrast between high and low income groups
high-resolution satellite image data with the socio- ^ in this county. The 1990 per capita income was
economic data from the census for QOL $15,715, which is 82 per cent of the national
assessment, using a computer-assisted remote average and 90 per cent of the state average. The
sensing/GIS approach. It is noted that according to poverty rate as defined by the U.S. Bureau of
the French sociologist, Chombart de Lauwe (1952), Census is 24.5 per cent. The majority of the county
who introduced the concept of "espace social" population is urban (82.4 per cent in 1990). Only
(social space), a remotely sensed image can 0.19 per cent of the population live on rural farms.
resolve a total environment into its components The remaining population is rural residential
("sub-spaces”) by interpreting different facets of (Hodler et al., 1994).
the same area. Social space, the total environment
I^ which people live, comprises of two main There are three primary data sources used in this
dimensions: (1) the morphological environment research: (1) Landsat TM data acquired on July 16,
and (2) the socio-cultural environment (De Haas, 1990, (2) black-and-white panchromatic aerial
1966). The morphological environment is made up — photographs acquired on January 10, 1990 at
of biophysical and demographic sub-spaces, while 1:18,000 scale, and (3) 1990 Census and Housing
the socio-cultural environment refers to the Data from the U.S. Bureau of Census. The areal
material infrastructure of social life created by the unit used to aggregate the population data is the
human mind. Clearly, an integration of the various block group. There are 52 block groups covering
Sub-spaces in different environments is possible — the Athens/Clarke county. In order to register the
by means of the overlay functionality of GIS. Landsat TM images with the population census
block group data, two 1:24,000 USGS topographic
2. STUDY AREA AND DATA map sheets, Athens East and Athens West
Quadrangles, were used to provide ground control
The study area is Athens-Clarke County in Georgia points. These were used to rectify the Landsat TM
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B7. Vienna 1996