Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B7)

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The GIS overlay approach involves addition of 
NDVI and the socio-economic layers together in the 
development of the quality of life (QOL) indicator. 
The values in each data layer were equally divided 
into 10 classes and a rank of "life quality” was 
computed for each block group. There were 10 
ranks (10 being the highest rank score). In the case 
of "surface temperatures”, "per cent urban", and 
"population density”, the higher the value, the less 
desirable for the QOL, and hence high values were 
assigned low ranks. On the other hand, for "NDVI", 
"per capita income", "median home value", and 
"per cent college graduates", the higher the value, 
the more desirable for QOL, and hence high values 
were assigned high ranks. These seven layers of 
ranked data of "life quality" were added one on top 
of another by the GIS overlay method. The 
composite score ranged from 18 to 61. The roughly 
upper twenty per cent of QOL scores were found in 
those block groups along Clarke County's 
southern, western, and eastern borders, while low 
QOL scores were found in block groups located in 
the center of the county, very close to the 
downtown area of Athens. The spatial pattern 
mapped by the GIS overlay approach is very similar 
to that produced by the first principal component 
scores. Therefore, the two approaches to the 
integration of Landsat TM data with the census 
data for QOL assessment are equally valid. 
This research has demonstrated that a strong 
relationship exists between data relating to the 
biophysical environment and those relating to the 
socio-economic environment. The vegetation index 
in the form of NDVI, apparent surface 
temperatures, and urban land use can be extracted 
from the Landsat TM data. NDVI, which shows 
Strong negative correlation with apparent surface 
temperatures and per cent of urban use, is a 
particularly useful measure of greenness in the 
biophysical environment. As such, it is a good 
Integrator of the two and is a good measure of the 
quality of life by itself. Principal components 
analysis of the biophysical and socio-economic 
data revealed two Tasseled Cap data planes of 
Greenness" and "Economic Well Being", depicting 
Possible transition between the two planes. The 
Integration approaches reported in this paper 
Provides an environmental perspective in the 
assessment of quality of life and can be easily 
achieved with the GIS technology. In the absence 
of up-to-date census data, high-resolution satellite 
Mages data can be employed to assess the 
condition of socio-economic development in a 
The author is very grateful to EOSAT for the 
research grant awarded to him, making the 
research reported in this paper possible. 
Andrew, J.R., 1986. Research on the Quality of Life. 
Survey Research Center, Ann Arbor, MI. 
Chombart de Lauwe, P.H., 1952. Paris et 
l'agglomeration parisienne; L'espace social dans 
une grande cite. 
Crist, E.P. and Cicone, R.C., 1984. Application of 
the Tasseled Cap concept to simulated Thematic 
Mapper data. Photogrammetric Engineering and 
Remote Sensing, 50, pp.343-352. De Haas, W.G.L., 
1966. Integrated Surveys and the Social Sciences. 
Publications of the ITC-UNESCO Centre for 
Integrated Surveys, Delft, The Netherlands. 
Hodler, T., Lawson, N., Schretter, H. and Torguson, 
J., 1994. The Interactive Atlas of Georgia. Institute 
of Community and Area Development, Athens, 
Georgia, U.S.A. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B7. Vienna 1996 

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