Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B7)

plack-and-white images were enlarged to provide 
better discrimination of the lahar-affected areas. 
Then a multitemporal color composition was 
generated to obtain changes between the two dates of 
acquisition. This composite had one image displayed 
in blue and green and the second image displayed in 
red. Keys to interpret the black-and-white images 
and  multi-temporal color compositions were 
In the eastern portion of the study area, 
multitemporal color composites were generated using 
three successive acquisitions at 35-day intervals. Two 
sets of color composites were created. The first set 
used the three images each displayed in a different 
color. The second set used two images only with the 
first image displayed in blue and green and the 
second image displayed in red. The second set was 
used in the image interpretation. 
To demonstrate the capability of ERS-1 SAR 
data in extracting lahar boundaries, a test area along 
the Bucao River basin located on the northwest 
portion of the study area was chosen. The two-date 
acquisitions over this area provided one image at the 
end of the dry season when no heavy rainfall was 
reported and another image taken at the height of the 
typhoon season and rain-induced active lahar was 
recorded. The two images were initially filtered to 
reduce speckle and preserve edges, then a ratio image 
was obtained using the filtered images. This ratioed 
image was smoothed using an iterative 3x3 filter, 
developed for this project bv J.F. Parrot and called 
"Hongkong filter." Then using a threshold, an 
automatic segmentation of the image into percentages 
of the number of pixels is performed. The segmented 
images which now consist of edge-connected pixels 
are again smoothed using an iterative filter to obtain 
the lahar limits. 
For the synergy and complementarity study 
of the data sets acquired by different sensors with 
different resolutions and on different imaging dates, 
the ERS-1 SAR and Landsat TM images were 
rectified and properly registered to provide an 
effective integration, display and analysis (Taylor, 
1993). To minimize positional errors due to terrain 
relief, the synergy study was confined to a subset of 
the ERS-1 SAR data sets which contain relatively flat 
area located in the floodplain. An image-to-map 
rectification procedure was used to initially correct 
the Landsat TM data. This image was registered to a 
1:50.000-scale topographic map (UTM projection) 
with 23 ground control points. Using a bilinear 
(second-order polynomial) mapping function, a root- 
Mean-square-error (rmse) of 0.5 pixel was attained. 
Nearest-neighbor resampling was performed on the 
image to retain the original pixel brightness values. 
Then, through an image-to-image procedure, the 
ERS-1 radar digital data sets covering the southwest 
portion of Zambales were rectified using the corrected 
Landsat TM data. Fifteen ground control points were 
used in a bilinear mapping function and an rmse of 
0.28 pixel was attained. 
7.1 Visual interpretation of black-and-white 
SAR imagery for the western portion. 
The first image was acquired on 9 July 1993, 
at the end of the dry season. No heavy rainfall or 
typhoon was reported in the area one month before 
the image was taken. The major lahar sites covered 
by this SAR image were the Bucao and Santo Tomas- 
Marella Rivers in Zambales located on the western 
portion of the study area. The downstream portions 
near the mouths of the Bucao and Santo Tomas- 
Marella Rivers display dark surfaces and field 
observations show that lahar deposits composed 
mainly of fine material formed the downstream 
portion of the river valley which continued to be 
flooded by smooth mudflows two years after the 
eruptions (Figure 3). Smooth and flat surfaces are 
consequently responsible for the low backscatter 
values. A trace of slightly agitated stream flow 
corresponds to the light-toned linear features. The 
downstream portions of the rivers indicate more well- 
defined drainage patterns. 
Going to the upstream portions of the rivers, 
there is a progressive transition in tone from dark to 
light. The lighter tone corresponds to dry rough lahar 
deposits composed of coarser material upstream. The 
rough surface explains the higher backscatter values. 
The upstream portions do not show clearly-defined 
drainage patterns except for the principal thalwegs. 
The third river, Maloma, draining Mount Pinatubo on 
the west direct into the South China Sea does not 
indicate presence of lahar on the date of imaging. 
The second image was acquired on 13 
August 1993. A comparison of the two images (July 
and August) shows that significant changes occurred 
in the intervening 35-day period. Three typhoons hit 
the area and induced lahar flow. These included 
typhoons Luming and Narsing (local code) from July 
25 to 30, 1993 and typhoon Pining on 11-12 August 
1993 when heavy rainfall occurred in the Mount 
Pinatubo area. Based on PHIVOLCS reports of lahar 
events on August 13, high-speed lahars flowed down 
the two rivers with varying speeds from a minimum 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B7. Vienna 1996 

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