The results of the different analysis methods allow the
following conclusions:
- Transformation and calibration from NDVI sealing degree
value is a less costly method to produce sealing maps and
deliver sufficiently good results.
- The evaluation of soil sealing causes some unexpected
problems using the temperature characteristics of urban
surface materials. In general, sealed areas are
characterized by a great heating at day time, a strong
cooling at night. Surface temperatures are highly
dependent on material. Partly temperature values of sealed
areas are similar to values of trees, whose tops show
unexpected high values.
It has not yet been reached to separate sealed and
unsealed areas completely by transforming data in an
index, though separation of traffic areas is possible.
- The land-use classification does not deliver a quantitative
registration of sealing degree values but differentiates
surface cover types. The most important types such as
grass, meadow, trees/shrubs and water can be classified
exactly. More difficulties appear when classifying buildings
because of their immense variation in roof materials. In this
case it is necessary to classify each roof material which is
costly, and, finally, to merge it into a "building class". Partly
a spectral overlap of the classes "traffic area" and "building"
is noticeable.
- Incorrectness of rectification cause severe problems in the
multitemporal classification. Not at last for this reason it
would be desirable for future projects to rectify using the
exact positions of flight track.
The different sealing maps shall be controlled by means of
reference material. Therefore it is planned to overlay a
building layer obtained by a topographical map (1 : 10 000)
and to determine the classification error for the "building"
class. Furthermore, the produced maps need to be examined
with sealing degree values checked in the terrestrial test
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