Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B7)

ML Class. p (a 3) Fitering "i é)g CR nd SERM (43 3) Assessment 
ere q 0 fusion 
25). Train al , Box Class. saniem i Crossing & a "iy Assessment 
d sie n re Confusion Matrix 
| Ser —— T COH Matrix 
| | E 
[4 Te p erg 5% 3. 
| = Extract CR 
; i _— Unpatching …— Cli 
C am 18 Format, (4.3) dio, re a one, cs rrt 78 6) PP (20 0) 
—D — Conver lt Correct. -— Me "4 — Pholo ^ ^— X N 
Veteran: * srgng. v x 
i y Poivgenizing & 
5j, Selection of Area Di je screen 77) Editing Folygonging (s 
N SZ of Interest e (32 Raslerizing 
pcs ; 7 
gu. Geometric z-;.. Unpatching 0 
+» Patching _ vett / red i Br 
Patching, à sai ee + 
Exact Satire Cs 2 "GeometrkCorrection y 
| (90 DTM bet And Relie{Displaceme Unpatchin ; 
Siem ; 
\ Classification (51% Crossing (64) i Aggregalion 5B Crossing & (58) 
SEA &Fillering ——— ous 
Figure1- flow diagram of production line 
4.2 Test sample set (TEST2) AND S 
4.3 Classified image (ML 17) EVENT 
4.4 Classified image (BOX3) 3.1 Conventional classification 
4.5 Classified image (KNNS 1) 
4.6 Filtered classified image after ZERO majority and 
majority (ML17ZM) 
4.7 Filtered classified image after ZERO majority and 
This classification carried out to label the pixels in an 
image as representing particular ground cover types by 
suitable algorithms. In this case supervised classification 
has been adopted where nine «classes have been 
majority (BOXSZM) d: categorised using three classifiers. 
4.8 Filtered classified image after ZERO majority and 
majority (KNN5 1ZM) 3.1.1 Radiometric and geometric corrections 
4.9 Crossing and confusion matrix (ML17ZM.MAT) 
4.10 Crossing and confusion matrix (BOX3ZM.MAT) 
4.11 Crossing and confusion matrix (KNN5 1ZM.MAT) Radiometric correction. Linear stretch was 
done based on xss2 band with maximum stretch where 
xss] and xss3 as slaves were stretched to conform with 
1.0 Scanned photos (photo 36/37/38) Xss2 as master. Referring to the histogram data in 
1.1 Converted scanned photos to ILWIS format table 1. 
8.1 Radiometric corrected photos (PH36RC, PH37RC, 0% 1% | 99% | 100% 
PH38RC) 33.1197 86 173 
8.2 Ground control points (GCP) file (T36N.DAT and xss? 
T37NN.DAT) | 0% | 1% | 99% | 100% 
8.3 Patched photos (PAT36 and PAT37) 194 41 85 176 
8.4 Orientation files (OR36.ORI and OR37NN.ORI) ss 
8.5 Patched orthophotos (ORTHO21 and ORTHO31) 0% 1 1% | 99% | 100% 
8.6 Real orthophotos (ORTHO36B and ORTHO37B) : > : 
6 DTM 28 | 49 86 131 
6.0 Patched DTM (PAT DTM) table 1 - Histogram data of three bands 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B7. Vienna 1996 
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