Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B7)

2 on the 
Delta and 
ric data. 
e ERS- 
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S Sisto and homogenising-compatibilising of 
endogeneous and exogeneous parameters: 
- the 3 multitemporal recordings SAR-ERS-1 PRI; 
- repetitive recordings LANDSAT MSS & TM and 
_ aerial repetitive panchromatic photos, IR and 
colour IR; 
- topographic maps with contour lines at 0.25m, 
pedological maps; 
á piezometric profiles, hydrological data, meteo 
data, quantitative and qualitative profiles, coastal 
evolution determinations; 
b) The three ERS recordings rectifying, taking into 
account the first one; 
- The registration of the LANDSAT MSS & TM 
and SPOT recordings; 
Fig.4.&S.Classification of the different turbidity level waters on the 
Landsat TM(1,2,3,4) image, from August 1989.& Classification of the 
different turbidity level waters on the Landsat MSS image, of July 
- The fusion between MSS & TM and SPOT 
recordings with SAR - ERS taken as reference (the 
best resolution recording has been taken as base) 
using polynomial registration; for a high accuracy 
of registration - fusion of the aero-satellite images 
bi have tried to modify their geometry by enlarging 
- Marine drilling profiles and their afferent classical 
determinations positioning on the aerial satellite 
- Radiometric seasonal profiles, built on 
characteristic and suggestive directions, basically 
on the “Great Deltaic Profile” and over different 
ecosystems (see fig 3); 
3.2. Preliminary processing of SAR - ERS 
recordings, taken as relative reference level: 
- ERS recordings segmentation: 
(a) on ecosystems basis; 
(b) on hydrographic basins and microbasins basis; 
(c) visual, with successive adjustments using pdf 
(Probability Density Function); 
- Speckle attenuation using: 
- adaptive filters (Lee, Kuan, Frost, Gamma 
filters); The most adequate filter has been found to 
be the Gamma filter. 
- Geometric filters; these filtrations are performed 
on the whole recording or on wide hethero-geneous 
areas, respectively on image segments, with 
visualisation before and after the application of the 
filters, with comparisons of the obtained pdf; 
(Probability Density Function); 
- Colour - composed RGB and IHS system 
processing, as well as transforms from RGB to IHS 
colour spaces on the whole recording (or wide 
areas) and on image segmentation respectively. 
EH os 
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Harta temperaturilor (TM6) 
Fig.6.Temperature map on the Landsat TM6 image from August 1989. 
4.]  Processings using radar recordings 
combinations and recordings from optical domain: 
supervised and unsupervised classifications using 
M.L.R. (maximum likelihood rule) and NN (nearest 
neighbour) algorithms, results comparisons with 
confusion matrix use; 
4.2 Because the principal components analysis 
(PCA) is a statistical technique, that transforms a 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B7. Vienna 1996 

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