Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B7)

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The SSR images will provide information to monitor and study 
several activities and phenomena in the North, Northeast and 
Central-West regions of Brazil above the parallel 15°S. This 
part of the country has undergone continuous changes in the 
recent past, particularly over the last half century. Increasing 
agricultural and cattle activities in the savanna region, the 
occupation of large areas in the Amazon, mining activities, and 
the construction of hydroelectric power plants have deeply 
altered the soil use. Routes for migration and agricultural 
production flow have been constructed and enlarged, in a non 
stopping growing cycle. In order to monitor the dynamic of 
these complex changes, the use of remote sensing techniques is 
The evaluation of the extent of deforested areas in the Amazon 
region is usually done with Landsat or Spot images; however, 
not only the frequency of clouds but also the long time span 
between the satellite data transmission to the central receiving 
station and the delivery of the image to the user, have imposed 
restrictions to provide accurate and updated information. In 
general, cloud free images, from different years, are used to 
evaluate the deforested areas according to their availability. 
The combination between the high temporal resolution and the 
1 to 4 ha spatial resolution of the SSR should allow not only 
the identification but also the quantification of burned areas, 
especially through color composed images with visible, near- 
and mid-infrared spectral bands. Currently, the detection of 
burned areas is performed with NOAA/AVHRR (Scetzer et al., 
1992) images acquired once a day during late afternoon (fires 
are mostly set during the morning period), with a spatial 
resolution of approximately 120 ha at nadir. 
Short period phenomena, such as flood and inundation, need to 
be observed with high temporal resolution sensors due to their 
dynamic and cloud cover problem. None of the current remote 
sensing satellites is able to properly monitor these phenomena. 
Even the Earth Radar Satellite (ERS-1) has a temporal 
resolution of only 35 days, although, availability of data from 
radar satellites are to increase significantly in a recent future. 
Studies on classification, identification, regeneration, and 
phenology of vegetation should benefit from SSR data. These 
studies are relevant to several aspects in the Amazon region 
related to climate, photosynthesis and reabsorption of emitted 
carbon dioxide to the atmosphere through burning and 
decomposition of biomass. Other applications of SSR data 
should include the detection of impacts on the natural 
environment caused by legal and illegal mining exploration 
activities. It is believed that the proposed spatial resolution of 
SSR will be adequate and that small features with low contrast 
borders may be identified with the SSR but shall be further 
analyzed with images of other satellites (e.g. Landsat, Spot, 
It is also expected that SSR data should be useful to 
OCeanographic and meteorological studies. A spectral band in 
the blue region (0.459 to 0.479 pm) should allow the 
identification of suspended sediments, submarine ecosystems 
and oceanic islands and atolls. The possibility of acquiring 
real time SSR data through remote receiving stations may lead 
to further interest in these studies. 
Between the conception and the execution of this project there 
is still a long way to go. At the present INPE is seeking an 
ample participation of the user community to evaluate the 
potential of the SSR data in order to make the project viable. 
A workshop was recently held at INPE with the participation of 
a large number of potential SSR data users. Financial 
resources for the SSR project are yet to be allocated. It is 
expected that the satellite will be soon in operation (3 to 4 
years) to provide the world wide remote sensing user's 
community with relevant information from the Amazon region. 
We like to thank the valuable collaboration of several colleges 
from INPE such as: Alberto Setzer, Antonio R. Formaggio, 
Carlos E. Santana, Dalton M. Valeriano, Danton Nunes, 
Diógenes S. Alves, Eduardo J. Brito, Elizabete C. Moraes, 
Evlyn M. Novo, Flavio J. Ponzzoni, Getulio T. Batista, Jodo A. 
Lorenzzetti, Jodo R. Santos, Jodo V. Soares, José S. Medeiros, 
Lauro C. Pereira, Luiz A. V. Dias, Merrit Stevenson, Paulo R. 
Martini, Otávio L. Bogossian, Pedro H. Filho, Raimundo A. 
Filho, Sherry C. Chen, Valdete Duarte, and Vitor C. Carvalho. 
Bogossian, O. T., J. C. Epiphanio, Y. E., Shimabukuro, and B. 
F. T. Rudorff, 1995. Avaliaçäo da nova concepcáo do satélite 
de sensoriamento remoto para a aplicagdo de monitoramento 
ambiental. Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais, Sdo José 
dos Campos, SP, (INPE-5641-NTC/305). 23 p. 
Rudorff, B. F. T., J. C. N. Epiphanio, Y. E. Shimabukuro, O. 
D. Boeossiam and T. Krug, 1995. Um satéhte de 
monitoramento ambiental para o Brasil. Ciéncia Hoje, SBPC, 
20(115), pp. 58-61. 
Santana, C. E., 1995. Environmental monitoring of the 
Amazon region with small satellites. In: Proceedings of 
European Space Report, International Space Congress. & 
Exhibition, Small Satellites for Remote Sensing, Bremen, 
Germany, 4 p. 
Setzer, A.W., M. C. Pereira and A. C. Pereira, 1992. Uso de 
satélites NOAA na detecgdo de queimadas no Brasil. 
Climanalise, 7(8), pp. 41-53. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B7. Vienna 1996 

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