Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B7)

Table 9. Spectral and spatial requirements for the porphyry copper deposits.* 
Multispec. Hyperspec.** Recon Deposit Scale 
Primary Alteration*** K-feld, biot, quartz, 2.15-2.35 9.7, 2.19& 
sericite, pyrite, (argillic) 9.5-10.5 2.34, 2.21, 15-30 5-8 
propylitic 2.33 
Secondary Alterat. Jarosite, goethite, hematite 0.6-0.7, 0.9, 0.95, 10-30 5-8 
(argillic, alunite) 0.8-1.0 0.85, (SWIR) 
Intrusive Rocks Quartz diorite, granodiorite VNIR,SWIR 2.33, 9.7, 20-30 10-20 
quartz monzonite 9.5-10.5 TIR 
Other Host Rocks Any pre-intrusive unit, but VNIR, SWIR . 2.33, SWIR 20-30 10-20 
carbonates host skarn TIR 
Zoning Potassic - phyllic(argillic) - 9.5-10.5, 9,7,;23.19, 10-20 5-6 
propylitic SWIR 2.21, 2.38 
Structure Major strike-slip faults, VNSWIR,TIR  Spect. feat. 20-80 10-20 
fault intersections Microwave above 
Vegetation Possible decrease or change NIR 0.7-0.8 10-20 5-8 
over intense alteration 
* Includes deposits with by-product molybdenum and gold. 
** Position of some key absorption maxima and emission minima. 
*'** Alteration zones are broad - >1km wide. Intensity varies from high at phyllic systems to low at other types. 
Table 10. Spectral and spatial requirements for the porphyry molybdenum deposits. 
Multispec.  Hyperspec.* Recon . Deposit Scale 
Primary Alteration** K-spar, biotite, quartz, 2.15-2.35, 9.7, 2.19& 
sericite, pyrite, (argillic) 9.5-10.5 2.34,2.21, 15-30 5-8 
propylitic 2:33 
Secondary Alterat. Jarosite, goethite, (argillic) 0.6-0.7, 9.0, 9.5 10-30 5-8 
0.8-1.0 (SWIR) 
Intrusive Rocks Granodiorite, qtz. monzonite, — VNIR,SWIR 2.3307 20-30 10-20 
granite, rhyolite porphyry 9.5-10.5 TIR 
Other Host Rocks Any pre-intrusive unit, but VNIR, SWIR, SWIR, TIR 
felsic volcanics predominate = TIR 
Zoning *** Potassic - phyllic(argillic) or 9.5-10.5, 9.72.19, 10-20 4-6 
quartz stockwork, propylitic — SWIR 221,233 
Structure Major normal faults, fault VNSWIR, TIR  Spect. feat. 20-80 10-20 
| intersect., concentric faults Microwave listed above 
Vegetation Possible decrease or change NIR 0.7-0.8 10-20 5-8 
over intense alteration 
* Position of some key absorption maxima or emission minima. 
** Alteration suites at porphyry molybdenum deposits tend to contain more quartz than porphyry copper deposits. 
thus more easily detected with TIR sensors. Alteration zones are broad - >1km. 
**'*** Alteration zones progress outward from potassic to phyllic and argillic with abundant quartz stockwork to 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B7. Vienna 1996 

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