In compilation of the geological maps RSM are
used for solution of following main tasks: 1,
determination of areal stratified and non-stratified
objects from peculiarities of their representation
(hue, texture); 2, determination of linear objects
(tracing the geological boundaries and faults,
dikes, individual layers and reference horyzons
within layers of homogenous composition); 3,
revealing the petrological composition of
mapping objects, including areals and zones of
altered rocks.
2.1 Natural factors
The informative character of RSM is affected by
two groups of factors, natural and technical. The
most important natural factor is the state of
landscape. Therefore obtaining of the potentially
informative image is associated with selection of
the optimum season and time for surveying. The
proper choice provides the most expressive
representation of main indicators of geological
objects from RSM.
2.2 Technical factors
Main technical factors are resolution of the
images and their spectral characteristics.
Resolution. The resolution can be considered
sufficient if the objects whose minimum
dimensions correspond to the requirements of
the scale of the compiling map are revealed from
RSM. The immediate determination of the
mapping objects is, however, possible only with
good conditions of the interpreting. In the
majority of cases, the mapping objects are
revealed from a combination of natural indicators
whose dimensions are an order less than the
object itself. Therefore, the image resolution
must provide the revealing of the indicators
rather than the objects. The necessity of
providing psycho-physiological comfort of the
interpreting process which significantly affects its
efficiency should be also taken into account. This
comfort can be provided with the image
resolution of 5 to 10 lines per mm, i.e. 20 to 40m
in conversion to the resolution in locality.
Spectral characteristics. |t is advisable to
consider the requirements for RSM spectral
characteristics in groups of tasks.
To distinguish objects according to their tone
characteristics and to solve structural-tectonic
problems, it is necessary to use the materials
covering the long-wavelength part of the visible
optical range and the near infrared part of the
spectrum. It is possible to gain supplementary
information which mainly permits the problems of
structural interpreting to be solved when using
radar images.
To solve the problems of determination of
petrological composition of geological bodies it is
advisable to use the whole of the visible and
infrared ranges.
Materials of surveying in the thermal range are
most effective while revealing some specific
objects (zones of recent volcanicity, solfataric-
fumarol activity).
3.1 Rules
Basic tasks of geological mapping from RSM are
to be solved following two rules: 1, objects of
minimum size to be mapped or their indicators
are to be revealed using RSM; 2, images must
cover a territory as fully as possible and
represent the position of the mapped territory in
general structure of region. This necessitates
using the materials of higher level of
generalization (on 3 to 5 times smaller scale than
basic materials)
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B7. Vienna 1996