Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B7)

flat land parcel management, and some types of attributes 
management are all managed by the station management 
2.4.7 Global Positioning System Module 
A global positioning system module provides an integration 
between GPS and GIS. When a radio communication is 
connected with a GPS device and a computer, then 
automatically monitoring can be performed. Usually, a GPS 
device provides longitude and latitude of a particular target 
at a given time. Then these information either marked on a 
notebook or transmitted back to head office at the station by 
radio. One technician types these information into a 
personal computer based on what one heard in a radio. New 
information can input into the databases and information in 
the databases can be extracted right away on a color monitor 
for further analysis. This module now provides very precise 
location for a given type of trees or animal. Distribution of a 
given type of vegetation and animal is now can be described 
precisely where they are. 
2.4.8 Three-dimensional Terrain Analysis Module 
Three-dimensional terrain analysis of the station is a very 
good approach to review what they are on the ground. A 
solid model of the whole station was generated once then 
they can be reviewed on a color monitor with different view 
angles. It is an interaction process. One changes viewpoints 
and a solid model of the station changes accordingly. 
Zoning and vegetation cover types can be overlay on the 
solid model of the station(ex. fig.2). One technician can 
review them on a color monitor and changes viewpoints as 
he likes. 
2.4.9 Terrain Animation Module 
A solid model of the station provides a static view while 
terrain animaton provides moving sequence of several solid 
models. Usually, terrain animation has to be generated by 
special animation packages and it is a very tough job. 
However, this module provides a very easy way to generate 
terrain animation for every one. One only decides how many 
image frames to be generated and draws flight path on a 
color monitor by clicking a mouse. Then, a terrain 
animation file will be generated automatically and it is readv 
for display on a color monitor. 
2.4.10 Spatial Interaction Module 
Spatial interaction is quite common process in a given 
environment.This module implements three-dimensional 
terrain analysis module as its base module such that spatial 
distributions of the whole station can be overlay on a solid 
model for a given period of time. Once different season 
spatial patterns have been generated then, they can be 
displayed on a color monitor one by one. Spatial interaction 
of one particular type of species, such as timber stand, can 
be reviewed as their changes in sequence of week, month, 
season, and vear.Changes among several species with their 
neighbors can be generated in spatial context as well as 
numerical context(ex. fig.3). 
GIS implementation is usually a long time process if there is 
no databases. Most of time and expenses are consumed in 
the creation of databases. How to implement a GIS in an all 
English mode is another tough job to be overcome. This is 
the major difficulty that a GIS can not be utilized by a 
person who has very limited knowledge of English. 
Computer is the another reason that keeps person away 
from a GIS. At the Low Altitude Experimental Station, all 
this kinds of difficulty have been overcome. One knows 
Chinese then he can implement the GIS. It is very user 
friendly. This is not an all purpose GIS. However, it has 
solved a lot of management problems at the station. 
Management of the station is a job that should adapt into the 
ecosystem as well as what new demand has been asked by 
the general public. By no means, new application module 
should be developed accordingly. This GIS is now been 
reformatted for implementation at another experimental 
Taiwan Endemic Research Institute is entitled to perform 
endemic research and conservation. The Low Altitude 
Experimental Station is one of the three field offices to 
perform on site experiments. In the last three years, a GIS 
for management of experimental station has been developed. 
All functions provided by the GIS are only prescribed by the 
experimental station such that a GIS is used for the 
management of the station. Ten application modules have 
been tested and implemented in the field as well as in the 
office. Databases has been created at the same time. It is 
very user friendly. The whole process gave a new horizon to 
endemic species research and conservation experiments. 
Burger,P.,D. Gillies, 1989. Interactive Computer 
Graphics. Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, New York, 
U.S.A.504 pages. 
Foley, J. D.,A. van Dam,S. k. Feiner,J. F. Hughes, 1987. 
Computer Graphics: Principles and Practice. Addison- 
Wesley Publishing Company, New York, U.S.A. 1174 
Oliver, D., S. Anderson, B. Zigon, J. McCord, S. Gumas, 
1993. Tricks of the Graphics Gurus. SAMS Publishing, 
Indiana, U.S.A. 894 pages. 
Salmon, R., M. Slater, 1987. Computer Graphics: System 
and Concepts. Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, New 
York, U.S.A. 702 pages. 
Star, J., J. Estes, 1990. Geographic Information System: An 
Introduction.Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey. 
07632, U.S.A. 303 pages. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B7. Vienna 1996 
vit yt nnl . Plu c nsuul

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