C,.=Logun(X +1) + (6)
where X, is conservation measure factor.
The implementation has two functions: 1) to
produce a soil erosion map covering 3120 km for
the local government; and 2) to finish the research
of computerized soil erosion mapping. The model
implementation on a computer was undertaken on
a 200 km? subarea, since the hardware platform
used was a PC-386 which was unable to support
large quantity data manipulation.
5.1 Manual Application
After the six factors were made into thematic
maps, they were then converted to semi-
transparent hard copies. We were able to evaluate
the soil erosion intensity on these maps polygon
by polygon. Finally, a total area with 3120 km“
was mapped which was highly approved by the
local governments.
5.2 Application in Raster Format
A total of 200 km? of the thematic maps were
input into PC ERDAS 7.3. An accurate map of
soil erosion was produced. However, the resulting
map needed smoothing because the raster format
modeling was based on pixel by pixel, which gave
the map a “noisy” appearance.
5.3 Application in Vector Format
This application was carried out on PC
ARC/INFO using vector format data. The
researchers noticed that the evaluation must be
based on the land use layer, because this model
theoretically assumed that soil erosion
mechanisms differ from land use. The output in
this research was satisfactory, and the result is
illustrated in Figure 6.
5.4 X-Window Package
For easier mapping, this model was incorporated
into a small software which reads ERDAS .lan file
and produces raster format data. This package was
programmed at UNIX X-Window Toolkit
Intrinsic level, so it can be loaded on any UNIX
and LINUX system. Likewise, the resulting map
needs to be “cleaned” since it is in raster format.
RASEAM was proven to be a practical approach
to soil erosion mapping suitable for use in rough
terrain area. The designation of a ranking system
for the six factors is simple and easy to operate,
without requiring expensive time consuming
experiments. It requires minimal field work to
establish the factor ranking scheme and to
implement the model, which is particularly
suitable for remote sensing and GIS mapping
RASEAM can be used in any rough area by
modifying ranking tables for each factor. It will
be not necessary to modify the modeling rationale,
but only modify the ranking tables to address
different problems. It will be easy and inexpensive
to apply this approach in the other places.
RASEAM is a runoff focused soil erosion model,
so it does not work well for wind erosion and
gravity erosion issues. For runoff erosion types, it
did not specify the terms of sheet erosion, rill
erosion and gully erosion, but handled this
problem through a slope grading design because
the researchers assumed that soil erosion
characteristics are relevant to slopes.
The authors are grateful to the following people
who made contributions to this research:
Dr. Paul Mausel, Indiana State University, USA,
for help in article review.
Mr. R. B. Tucker, Hunting, England, for his
discussions on soil and parent material ranking.
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B7. Vienna 1996
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