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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XL-5/W2, 2013
XXIV International CIPA Symposium, 2 — 6 September 2013, Strasbourg, France
G.W.L. Gresik ^ *, S. Siebe*, R. Drewello*
* University of Bamberg, Institute of Archaeology, Heritage Science and Art History
(gerhard.gresik, soeren.siebe, rainer.drewello)
CIPA2013-234 Other appropriate recording application SR7
KEY WORDS: digital photography, UV-fluorescence photography, IR-reflectography, IR-Thermography, 3D-Scanning, light
stripe topography scanner, shearography, crane
The goal of RECORDS (Reaching Recording Data Technologies) is the digital capturing of buildings and cultural heritage objects in
hard-to-reach areas and the combination of data. It is achieved by using a modified crane from film industry, which is able to carry
different measuring systems. The low-vibration measurement should be guaranteed by a gyroscopic controlled advice that has been ,
developed for the project. The data were achieved by using digital photography, UV-fluorescence photography, infrared
reflectography, infrared thermography and shearography. Also a terrestrial 3D laser scanner and a light stripe topography scanner
have been used The combination of the recorded data should ensure a complementary analysis of monuments and buildings
1.1 Fundamental ideas
In context of the applied scientific research at the University of
Bamberg RECORDS (Reaching Recording Data Technologies)
has been invented.
The standard requirement of a reliable duty in the field of
protection and renovation and also in the field of research in
cultural heritage preservation is documentation and monitoring.
Thereby exactly measuring and imaging of building
components of any kind is a central topic. However at this point
problems appear often. Nevertheless the measurement is not the
primarily problem, external factors exacerbate the practice
much more.
Tall heights and hard reachability as a result of this prejudice
the usage of these techniques. In practice most frequent
requested working heights are between 15 and 20 meters.
Furthermore there are demands, that the works should not
compromise the usage and should be accomplished quick,
reliable, affordable, nondestructive and contactless.
1.2 Basics and project development
The experiences, which were made in former research projects,
whose goal were primarily the photographic documentation of
mural painting and stained glass (VITRA) and the usage of a
terrestrial laser scanner (RRS), leaded to the research project
RECORDS, which was started in 2012. The predecessor
projects promoted an advancement respectively an optimization
of a modular crane system with a vibration stabilizing platform,
which could carry different, valuable measuring instruments,
additional to the photography.
It will be used, next to an usual remotely controlled camera for
high-resolution image capture, an ultraviolet camera and
infrared cameras for multispectral image capturing with this
* Corresponding author
crane. For 3D-scanning a terrestrial laser scanner and a light
stripe topography scanner are used. Inside this project it will be
tested how far the shearography (laser-speckle-technique) can
be used sensible.
1.3 Realisation
RECORDS is promoted by the “Bayerische
Forschungsstiftung” (BFS). Four more partners are involved
under the direction of the University of Bamberg. These project
participants are small and medium- sized businesses, which
accomplish advancements and optimizations at their current
2.1 Crane
The linchpin is the advancement of a film crane (GF16) of the
Munich company “Grip Factory Munich GmbH". The crane is
made of modular parts and is useable for the devices to a height
up to 16 meters (pic.1). Crucial for the use of this crane is the
high stability despite the high flexibility, likewise the
ruggedness, the good transport property and the easy and quick
assembly. It works entirely mechanic and requires just a team
of two or three people locally. An additional highlight is the
optional usage as crane for passengers up to a working height of
10 meters, which constitutes a further enrichment within the
scope of documentation and study of cultural heritage. To use
the highly vibration sensitive devices at the crane, it was
necessary to develop a head, stabilized by a gyroscope (pic.3),
which is equipped with an appropriate platform to use the
different devices and steer them from the ground.