Full text: Recording, documentation and cooperation for cultural heritage

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XL-5/W2, 2013 
XXIV International CIPA Symposium, 2 — 6 September 2013, Strasbourg, France 
becoming risk indicators able to warn and advise about an 
asset's susceptibility to degradation processes and therefore its 
reduced strength. 
1.3 Overview 
In order to explore the current directives and methodologies 
employed and applied in the field of risk assessment through 
hazard identification and evaluation of a building’s 
conservation state, an extended research was conducted, on 
existing directives for risk assessment related to monument 
conservation. The main objective was to become aware of the 
identified hazards for monuments, the main vulnerability 
attributes as well as the currently applicable risk assessment 
methodologies. The outcome revealed that the risk of decay and 
damage associated with monuments can not limited to certain 
environmental dangers, static/structural, human impact and 
natural hazards, but is also a function of various other factors 
such as the conservation state of the materials (i.e. not only the 
static/structural aspects of the building), the importance and 
distribution of cultural heritage, the impact factor of the hazards 
present, various socioeconomic parameters etc. Obviously, 
these factors cover different scales of the problem. In particular, 
there is a correlation between decay and damage of materials 
that often leads to the monuments pathology. The deteriorating 
processes in materials and structures may be triggered by 
external influences or caused because of internal chemical 
and/or physical time-depending variations of characteristics of 
material. Therefore risk assessment should be dealt in the 
direction of revealing the specific active decay mechanism with 
an integrated decay study both in mesoscale [type of decay and 
damage] and microscale [decay phenomenon mechanisms 
(kinetics, thermodynamics, structural etc) (Moropoulou, et al 
2012), (Kioussi et al., 2011). 
A prerequisite for risk identification is the existence of an 
organised source of reliable, comparable and interoperable data 
about heritage assets under observation. In this framework the 
identification and analysis of risks regarding degradation 
processes for the development of qualitative and quantitative 
indicators can be supported by integrated documentation. 
Integrated documentation protocols assist proper data 
collection, classification and presentation, enable understanding 
and knowledge on the heritage asset (including its history, value 
assessment, state of conservation, structural condition as well as 
all previous restoration works, risks identification and 
assessment of its vulnerability by environmental and human 
causes) as well as monitoring and systematic reporting on 
alterations taking place during its entire lifetime (Figure 1) 
[Kioussi, et al 2013a]. 
More specifically, the protocols of advanced diagnostics, part of 
the integrated documentation protocols, provide with the 
guidelines for revealing the actual degradation processes 
responsible for the asset's vulnerability, based on the 
requirements of a typical diagnostic study and structural 
analysis methodology, generated by a necessity for quality 
control application in building and/or conservation materials 
and structures and having been harmonized with appropriate 
standards, in order to minimize structural faults, and enhance 
effectiveness of conservation and protection interventions 
(Figure 2) (Binda, et al, 2000), (Moropoulou, et al 2003), 
(Kioussi, et al 2013b). 
Figure 1. Integrated Documentation protocols data categories 
I Visual Inspection (materials & 
^ structure conservation state, decay 
Pd & damage) 
Diagnosis IL Non Destructive nt Fiber Optics Migroscpy-FOM 
uz Ultra Sonic Tester 
i Testing IB Gepradar -GPR 
| Infrared Thepmegaphy - IR 
| Schmidt Hammer 
| Digital Image processing 
i nn 
IIL Analytical Testing Porosimenry. 
Capillary rise test 
Moisture Index capacity 
Drying Index 
Granudometis analysis 
FTIR (Fourier transforminfrared spectroscopy ) 
Differential Thermal Analysis and Thermogarimetric analysis) 
Differential scanning calçrimetry (DSC) 
Thermalmechanical gna;vsis (TMA) 
Total Soluble salts 
Optical Microscopy 
Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) with EDX (energy 
dispersive Xray analvaisjanalysis 
Polipzed microscopy 
XRD (X-Ray Diffraction) 
IV. Structural Analysis IVp! 
Bearing structure 
Permanent (dead)lcads 
IVp4 Moving loads 
IVpS Accidentalloads 
IVpé Eigen period of structure 
Ivp? Stress repetition period 
IVp8 Type of foundation 
Vp? Elements ngidity 
plo Weight factor 
IVpil Seismic rate 
IVp12 Totalsesmic activity 
IVp13 Simulation 
IVpi4 Boundary conditions 
IVpi5 Seismic zone 
Figure 2. Integrated Protocols of Advanced Diagnostics data 
categories and parameters 
It is very important that the integration between the material’s 
diagnosis and the overall documentation is taken into 
consideration in order to identify the required levels of 
preventive conservation and protection for heritage assets 
depending on the most frequent local risks. 
The detection of wear and degradation of building materials 
includes the determination of decay products and damages. The 
decay of building materials can be defined as the degradation 
over time of the materials’ properties (physical, chemical, 
mechanical, etc.) and characteristics (mineralogical, texture, 
etc.), leading to their failure as building components. Decay 
phenomena develop at the interface of materials with the 
environment or at the interface of materials with other materials 
and are a function of intrinsic and extrinsic factors. The analysis 
of these factors is essential to the study of the decay pathology 
of the monument and for the detection of the actual risks 
affecting it (Moropoulou A., Labropoulos K., 2010)

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