Full text: Recording, documentation and cooperation for cultural heritage

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XL-5/W2, 2013 
XXIV International CIPA Symposium, 2 — 6 September 2013, Strasbourg, France 
» Ultrasonic velocity propagation US. RLS: concerns the 
variation of ultrasonic propagation velocity for the decayed 
materials in respect to the in respect to healthy material. 
> Type and working treatment of architectural surface RI.7: 
concerns the material susceptibility to decay in relation to 
the type or the working treatment of the architectural 
RI.5 1 2 3 4 5 surface. 
Velocit «3 3<Ay% 5<Au%s 10< 20<Ay% 
y SS 10 Au% RL7 L'|2j8 14 15 
Variati <20 Architectural elements - * 
on U% e decoration 
Signal * Rough surface * 
Loss Surface of moderate roughness * 
Table 7. Variation of the Ultrasonic velocity propagation Surface of low roughness E 
> Environment characterization — RLI.6: concerns the 
environmental impact on the materials and structure, and 
in particular the environmental characterization as 
industrial, marine, etc., the exposure to wind and moisture, 
the annual frost and temperature range of the examined 
RI.6a 1 2 3 4 5 
Industrial * 
Urban * 
Rural * 
Coastal * 
Mountainous * 
Table 8. Environment characterization 
RI.6b 1 213 4 | 5 
Annual Small Medium Large 
range (A40) 
Frequency Always Vary Often 
of 0>0°C Rare 
temperature under 
fluctuations 0°C 
around 0 °C 
under 0°C 
Table 9. Temperature range (around 0 °C) 
RI.6c 1 2 3 4 5 
Average <40 40-50 | 50-70 | 70-90 | >90 
Table 10.Relative Humidity RH 
RI.6d 1:12 1:3 14 1.9 
Exposure to strong winds 
Exposure to medium winds Y 
Protection against winds 
Table 11.Surface exposure to wind 
Table 12. Type of Architectural surface 
All these risk indicators cover an array of characteristic 
quantitative or qualitative parameters that can be stored and 
handled by the documentation system and define the monument 
and its components. They can be further ranked according to 
their importance, allowing calculation of an overall risk 
index. W1 4 W2W3 + --- Wn 
_ WoRL+WiRL+WeRis + Wilkin 
Rlour Wi HP War Wn - (1) 
Where  W — weight factor expressing the percentage 
of participation of each risk indicator to the final risk 
index (range 0-5) 
RI = risk indicator 
Rlıota = final risk index (range 1-5) 
The Risk index can be used as a tool that supports the scientific 
decision making procedure regarding preventive conservation 
and conservation interventions. 
Risk evaluation for cultural heritage assets is a basic step 
towards sustainable maintenance and preservation. It implies 
the assessment of its resilience to external or internal alterations 
and to various hazards and can be defined as the identification 
of all potential hazards affecting it and the evaluation of the 
asset's vulnerability (building materials and building structure 
conservation state). Potential hazards for cultural heritage are 
complex and range among long term natural processes, sudden 
events and human impact as well as certain degradation 
processes within materials and structural elements due to 
physical and chemical procedures. Therefore risk evaluation 
should reveal the specific risk factors that decisively contribute 
to a heritage asset's state of conservation and determine its 
resilience against various threats. 
A prerequisite for risk indicators identification and development 
is the existence of an organised source of comparable and 
interoperable data about heritage assets properties, a need that is 
served by integrated documentation protocols and more 
specifically by protocols of advanced diagnostics. They become 
a useful tool of an asset's conservation state investigation, 
performing materials characterization, decay and damage 
diagnosis and vulnerability identification. They provide with the 
guidelines for revealing the actual degradation processes 
responsible for the assets vulnerability, based on the 
requirements of a typical diagnostic study and structural 
analysis methodology, generated by a necessity for quality 
control application in building and/or conservation materials 

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