International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XL-5/W2, 2013
XXIV International CIPA Symposium, 2 — 6 September 2013, Strasbourg, France
A second benefit in the use of web-service is to facilitate
downstream needs for cultural institutions with 3d models
produced. Digitizing heritage artefacts for institutions is not
only a question of method of acquisition but also about storage,
metadata and dissemination. Therefore the solution provided by
Culture 3D Clouds will facilitate the storage of 3D models, give
the possibility to add standardized metadata and offer services
to consult and to have the possibility of reuse those resources.
The photogrammetric method appears to be an adapted solution
for digitize artefacts if it is associated with services not only for
technical treatment but in relation to other issues about Digital
The ambition of the Culture 3D Clouds project is to give a
global solution for 3D models of artefacts from acquisition,
based on photogrammetric, to access and reuse.
Taking correctly the photographs to compute relevant 3D results
is crucial because the artefacts are generally accessible just one
time. Through the typologies and protocols, the photographer
can learn how to take it. With a background in cultural heritage
photography, they can extend their practice to 3D digitization of
the artefacts.
This is a good opportunity for institutions that houses and cares
collections, in which photographers are working.
The cooperation in the Culture 3D Clouds project already leads
two photographers from the RMN! to take the photographs for
well 3D reproduction of artefacts.
This cooperation in the project may lead to a futur cooperation
between the different agents working the cultural heritage field.
A community of photographers using photogrammetric tools
and exchanging about their technical and cultural matters could
see the light of day.
1Réunion des Musées Nationaux
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