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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XL-5/W2, 2013
XXIV International CIPA Symposium, 2 — 6 September 2013, Strasbourg, France
F.I. Apollonio*, S. Baldissini ", P.Clini ^, M. Gaiani *, C. Palestini * C. Trevisan ©
* Dipartimento di Architettura —Università di Bologna, Bologna, Italy - (fabrizio.apollonio, marco. gaiani)@unibo.it
? Centro Internazionale di Studi di Architettura Andrea Palladio di Vicenza, Vicenza, Italy - sbaldiss@gmail.com
* DICEA, Università Politecnica delle Marche, Ancona, Italy - p.clini@univpm.it
? Dipartimento di Architettura - Università degli Studi *G. d'Annunzio" di Chieti - Pescara, Italy - palestini@unich.it
* Università IUAV di Venezia, Venezia, Italy - trevisan@iuav.it
KEY WORDS: 3D digital libraries, Architectural heritage, georeferencing, virtual anastylosis, photogrammetry, spherical
panorama, 3D modelling from drawings, real time rendering, geo-models.
The paper describes objectives, methods, procedures and outcomes of the development of the digital archive of Palladio works and
documentation: the PALLADIOLibrary of Centro Internazionale di Studi di Architettura Andrea Palladio di Vicenza (CISAAP). The
core of the application consists of fifty-one reality-based 3D models usable and navigable within a system grounded on GoogleEarth.
This information system, a collaboration of four universities bearers of specific skills returns a comprehensive, structured and
coherent semantic interpretation of Palladian landscape through shapes realistically reconstructed from historical sources and surveys
and treated for GE with Ambient Occlusion techniques, overcoming the traditional display mode.
Since the middle 1990s the CISAAP has developed a specific
line of research on how Information Technology can aid
documentation and architectural displays, thanks to the resolute
encouragement by the President of the Scientific Board,
Howard Burns (Gaiani, 2008). After a successful trilogy of
multimedia CD-ROM of the late nineties (Beltramini, 2002),
Digital Palladio project was activated between 2002-2004 with
the aim to digitalize and to reorganize into a unique database of
Palladio's works documentation (photographs, drawings,
engravings, sculptural reliefs, archived documents) (Beltramini
& Gaiani, 2003). Recently CISAAP launched the
PALLADIOLibrary project (Gaiani & Beltramini, 2012), a new
system that, using new information technologies now available
to all (real-time rendering of 3D models, Web 3.0, geospatial
systems) aims to unify and display all the key materials for an
understanding and appreciation of Andrea Palladio’s work. It is
about his drawings, the largest existing photo library devoted to
Palladio (over 5,000 photos), approximately 1,200 survey
drawings, Palladio’s writings (nearly 8,000 pages) as well as a
set of multimedia and virtual reconstructions that allow both
specialists and the general public to learn about Andrea
Palladio’s world: 54 constructions spanning houses, public
buildings, palaces, churches, bridges. The core application of
PALLADIOLibrary is Andrea Palladio - 3D geodatabase a
complete 3D web geo-database grounded on GoogleEarth
(Jones, 2007) where 3D models support a complex IS including:
1. 3D digital models representing as-built, and as metaphor
of the observed objects, allowing a direct and semantic
knowledge of the data;
2. 2D textual and iconographic materials approved and
critically analysed by by CISAAP scientific Committee,
composed of most qualified Palladio experts;
3. development of a new web-based architecture that allows
multi-user customized access on different platforms, using
standard guidelines.
Figure l. Andrea Palladio - 3D Geodatabase: interface with
descriptive card of a historic treaty
The application was conceived as the preferred interface for
accessing the Palladian database, to give access easily and user-
friendly to individual buildings and whole information system.
Above all, Andrea Palladio - 3D geodatabase allows a
complete representation of architecture whose complexity can
hardly be approached and understood through textual or
iconographic documents. From this point of view the
application is an updated evolution of the 1998 CD-ROM
Andrea Palladio — Le Ville, no longer usable due to
technological obsolescence (Gaiani et al., 1998), a multimedia
application that gathers in a systematic way, for the first time,
all textual and graphical documentation of about 40 Palladian
villas, making available spatial and temporal navigation
between the data and SQL queries. The added value of the new
3D geodatabase - compared to raw data or text-based approach -
is given by the inclusion of the buildings in their environment,
allowing to discover unknown relationships between the villas
and the environment, to evaluate their architectural occupancy
and to quickly access a complex system of information
collected by several extensive studies along the years.