Full text: Recording, documentation and cooperation for cultural heritage

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XL-5/W2, 2013 
XXIV International CIPA Symposium, 2 — 6 September 2013, Strasbourg, France 
church foundations. Other blocs were cut into the old big stones 
of the temple or taken from the close quarry. 
Figure 16. The architectural 3D model of the 
Byzantine church surrounded by the two destroyed temples 
of Hosn-Niha. © J. Yasmine; 2005. 
The 3D architectural model of the last state of the sanctuary 
(Fig. 16) as rendered by 3DS Max uses transparent walls / 
ceilings indicating the shape of the destroyed parts. 
The method adopted in the analysis of both architecture and 
landscape of the sites of Niha provides interesting results for the 
archaeology of the place. 
The 3D integrated model of the landscape provides important 
explanations for the reasons behind the implantation of the 
various structures in their precise location. It also provides 
evidence of the relationships linking these structures. It explains 
how the builders utilized the site resources in the construction 
process. It gives some hints on the planning purposes of the 
inhabitants in locating the sanctuary in the village in 
relationship with the springs, the wells and the routes. 
Finally, this method provides an important tool for the 
visualization of the sites throughout History. The architectural 
transformation of the sanctuary can be easily presented in the 
framework of a didactic environment (school, website or tourist 
visitor's centre). 
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