Full text: Proceedings of the Symposium on Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing in Economic Development

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1986 has been declared as the Year of Cartography in Africa under a joint resolution of 
ECA and OAU. Commission VI affords us a unique opportunity to encourage the establish- 
ment of facilities in Surveying and Mapping particularly in Africa so that Africa can be self reliant 
and sufficient in cartography and allied disciplines by the year 2000. 
Commission VI is extremely fortunate to have excellent Workirig Group Chairmen whose 
wealth of experience and professional competence and expertise will be made available.to be 
It is my honour and priviledge to recognise these fine gentlemen who have been my pillars 
of support in shouldering the tasks of the Commission: 
Chief R. Oluwole Coker (OON) — NIGERIA 
Prof. Olubodun A yeni — NIGERIA 
Dr. Peter Adeniyi — NIGERIA 
Prof. Arthur J. Brandenberger — CANADA 
Mr. Chris Paresi — THE NETHERLANDS 
Dr. Teodor Blachut — CANADA 
Dr. G. Lindig — FRG 
Prof. Alfred Adamec — AUSTRALIA 
Mr. Olumuyiwa Adebekun — NIGERIA 
Mr. Olufunso Olujohungbe — ETHIOPIA 
Prof. Jurgen Hothmer — FRG 
Prof. Sanjib Ghosh — CANADA 
| take this opportunity to welcome all our colleagues from the International Cornmunity, | 
thank them for the science which they ars bringing to Nigeria and for the science they shall 
leave behind. 
Finally, Honourable Minister, Kabiyesi, Executive Secretary, ECA, Distinguished Ladies and 
Geritiemen, may 1 present to you, GOTTFRIED KONECNY (I have been priviledged to be his 
student) Professor of University of Hannover. FRG Director, Institute of Photogrammetry 
Prof. Dr. Gottfried Konecny, President of the International Society for Photogrammetry and 
Remote Sensing(ISPRS) for the term 1984— 1988 is a Professor at University of Hannover and 
Director of Institute of Photogrammetry and Engineering Surveys (FRG). 
He was educated in Europe and United States where he received his M. S. degree in Geodetic 
Science in 1955, a Dip-Ing degree in Surveying Engineering in 1957 and the Dr-Lng in Photo- 
grammetry in 1960 from the Technical University, Munich and Dr. h.c. from Argentina in 1971. 
He is a world renowned expert in Geodesy, Photogrammetry, Surveying and Remote Sensing. As 
a teacher, he has motivated many students to higher goals. It is on record that many eminent 
Nigerian Surveyors were his students. He has been a teacher and research scientist since 1955, 
He held several positions at the University of New Brunswick in Canada where he single handed- 
ly established the first English-speaking curriculum in Surveying Engineering. He is an Adjunct 
Professor of University of New Brunswick, Canada. 
Dr. Konecny has been a recipient of numerous fellowships including a full-bright Scholarship 
for Ohio State, NSF Fellowship and National Research Council Fellowship and has served as a 
visiting Professor at several Universities. 
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