Full text: Proceedings of a symposium held at University College London, 9 - 13 August 1971

ibilities of a 
sable to define 
anoramic came 
e essentially 
e definition 
tion. Other stu 
, photogrammetric 
oordinates of 
n such studies, 
ground coordi 
, and the pre 
s are studied 
' those cameras 
the images, the 
ual pioture 
scanning angle. 
jÀnoramic camera 
points (space 
1 panoramic pho 
trip of panora 
Lt is necessary 
1 of the results, 
as are used in 
termine the me 
ased, the photo 
tained may be 
type of panora 
r the point of 
film is laid 
", the chimney 
nder and thus 
ucing the rela 
a in space du 
age motion cor 
as camera axis ; P= nodal point ; ¢- directrix tn 
the plane on wich o is found ; d directrix on wich 
q ts found ; e-reference plane. 
Scan Arm 
second nodal ™>™._ _ 
point of Ehe lens ^ 
face axi» , and 
cilindrical aur- | 
rotation ax4^. 
v Ss 
d udi 
(IMC axis) t

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