| are all tho
ruction of the
ime of the ex
the internal
photogram, and
oints is known
image with re
‚on the photo
vioe, the rela
al point is
series of ima
joint is found.
ngle 3 pre
,ernal nodal
ie angle P.
‚sfied, the an
inning angle y:
> or a band of
irection", is
indrical or
blems presented
only to speoi
s of the direc
ramic camera
the bundle of
e shall suppo
‘irst necessa
the photogram
she photogram
mation (see fi
illel to the
cylinder in the
directrix can
es its position
photogram for
any value of the scanning angle. In addition it is necessary to knows
a) the value of the amplitude I of the sinusoid defined in (1.3);
b) the value of the angle X to which the couple of marks (or one of the cou
ples) indicating the direction of the diretrix of the cylinder, is re 7
ferred; >
c) the position for that value of Ÿ of the internal nodal point. In particu
lar, it is sufficient that the pair of marks and the parameter a be given,
for example, in correspondence to J z 0. It is obvious that such parame
ters can be given for “= x or X= - T It is evident that with such in
formation and with the sinusoidal law of displacement assured, the posi
tion of the nodal point can be reconstructed (in particular the plane of
the directrix in which it is contained) for each image that appears on
the photogram and defined in its position by a value of ß equal to X
(when the conditions of adjustment are satisfied).
In order to avoid confusion we shall call cylindrical photogram the pa
noramic photogram located in space on a cylinder of radius p and developed
photogram the same photogram laid on the plane.
We make reference to the positive of the cylindrical photogram (see fi
gure 3), and we assume the direction of the scanning relative to the direction
of flight as in the figure. It is necessary to point out that the displace
ment of the IMC with respect to the positive has the same direction as the
direction of flight (see note at the end).
We assume as & reference system for the cylindrical photogram a system
having origin in the position that the perspective point O has for ¥=0, te
axis x coinciding with the axis of the camera previously defined, and the
axis z contained in the scanning plane X= 0 (figure 4). The position of the
axis z is an arbitrary one, and no inconvenience would derive from having
the axis z in plane in which x # O. Taking into consideration that as tertia
ry rotation «) has been chosen the rotation around the axis x, it would only
bring as a consequence a variation of the parameter ©, given by the compu
tation of space resection. The identification of the plane X= O is necessa
ry in order to identify the position of the IMC during the scanning, but it
has no importance in the definition of the plane xz of the reference System.
With respect to this internal system, the image of a point is defined by
the three coordinates x, y, Z, the position of the perspective centre C,
taking into account the signs attributed to y, by the coordinates x, =
= I ginny, ÿ = 0; 2, = 0.
The infernal afrection tangents are therefore:
x-x, x-1 sin X
t = =
x Z- Z
I y 8
t = S uua + = —
y Z- Z Z J