| expressed
ral instan
mera, the
center of the
ne the posi
t the in
otogram. For
' the photo
nd different
[cC camera is
^ the time
A task of the space resection computation is the computation of these
functions utilizing control point on the ground and the positiors of the oarre
sponding images. In the case of the panoramic cameras, it is necessary to de
termine such a function only for a period of time correspond ding to the inter
val of the exposure of each photograph. Taken then as a reference the time
2 in which the parameters assume the values |
\ le
x (2), Y (23. age rea
p p p s
we can write
rife) = rf de tev(44)
7 (4) = 5 (*) «E M)
P p 3
Foy . f (An
q (t) oU) yo = (A)
w(t) 5,0) + FLUG)
where At is the interval ot time between the impression of the images at the
1e inst
instant t and the impression of an image at the
o : dy
The result of this is that it should be possible
printed image in relation with the time the impression. occur
f.-(At) can be attributed the form C:Ât (C. = constant), or else we shall
T |
» 2. d - E ond ; 3 -
assume a linear variation of the orientation parameters during the shoot
ce every im
‘ed. To the
ing of & photogram.
The uniformity of the movements of the camera during the shooting of
the photogram can be justified taking into consideration that, in general,
the duration of the shootins of the photogram never exceeds 1 second, and
that it is therefore unthinkable that in such a short lapse of time devia
tions from uniform motion oan be evidenced, taking also into account that
the camera is on an aircraft which has a considerable inertial mass.
This naturally is not valid if we take into account the vibrations
obviously we cannot take into conside
de) vv
to which the camera is subjected, but
ration such movements in the computation of a Tass resection.
ust the mL the six parame
ters X 8 Lu 9. $) C 9: E y m ge nd six coefficients, C? C s
Cy C e et.
" It is now necessar
me as an independent variable.
y ti investigate if it is possible to assume the ti
Let's then take the ideal Situation in which