during the shooting of a photogram, the indications of mark-time are record
ed on the margin of the photogram itself. To each point observed on the pho
togram, the two observed values x*, y* and the time At* of the impression,
which will be introduced in the equations of the space resection, are given
together with the corresponding ground coordinated.
The parameter /|t* in effect comes to be & geometrical parameter since
it indicates the distance on the photogram between the mark tine signal
which corresponds to the considered image and the mark-time signal which
corresponds to the instant of reference t . In the hypothesis of uniform ro
tation of the device which accomplishes the scanning, this parameter is pet
fectly equivalent to angle of scanning computed with respect to a reference
position. We can therefore take as an independent variable the scanning an
gle where the angle Y= O corresponds to the instant of maximum velocity of
the IMC and to the above mentioned t instant.
In the absence of both the recording of the scanning angle Y^ and the
mark-time signals, the angle f, which will be used in the formulas, has
both significances of indipendent variable and of parameter locating the i
mage on the photogram. On the other hand the angle X is. perfectly equiva
lent to the angle B when the adjustment conditions are satisfied.
We decided to assume the scanning angle X as an independent variable.
The scanning angle is assumed variable from - Y to + 4, with reference to
the value y - O when the IMC reaches the maximum speed. :
We assume as a reference time t , the time corresponding to the posi
tion y. Cet the IMC. Let us consider the following rectangular ldthhanded
systems (see figure 5), to which the control points are referred:
The system XY 5 has the plane X,Y, tangent to the ellipsoid in a
point T near the at ot point N of the photogram and the axis Y, tangent
to the meridian. This system is called the "Eulerian system". T
The system X Y Z is rotated with respect to the preceding, around the
axis Z2 of an angle & 3; the Xn axis is oriented on the approximated aximuth
of flight A,» so that
pm, nm
The system XYZ is rotated by an angle & around Z , SO the angle & is
the angle that the actual direction of the flight forms with the approxi
mated direction. The system XYZ has therefore the plane XZ parallel to the
direction of the velocity V of the aircraft during the shooting time.
For the moment we can say that the position of the plane X IN? Or,
which is the same thing, the geographical coordinates of T , are easily
indicated by the data which oan be inferred from informations on the flight,
since the tangent point of the plane X Y, can be far from the nadiral point
: NN
of the photogram even for a few miles.
Analogous indications on the flight enable an evaluation of €, . The
determination of the angle « is instead, entrusted to the computation of